Category: Wone legal team

2010: A Case Odyssey

T Minus 350 May 10, 2010.   There was an appreciable murmur in the courtroom when Judge Weisberg announced the date.  Two months for the trial and deliberation means the verdict could come down close to the 4th anniversary of Robert’s murder. Ben…

Standing Room Only

More From The Hearing  (Updated Throughout, Video, WRC-TV) Room 318 of the Moultrie Courthouse was packed this morning: three defendants, four defense attorneys, two Assistant US Attorneys, one presiding judge and a gallery of nearly one hundred spectators and media. …

Wone Family Lawyers Up, Again. Big Time.

What Does Patrick Regan’s Add Mean for the Civil Case? As reported late Wednesday by Mike Scarcella in the Blog of Legal Times,  veteran plaintiffs attorney and wrongful deaths expert Patrick Regan has now signed on with the Wone team.…