Category: legal strategy

The Paper Chase

Document Dump Now as promised, the rest of the motions filed over the past couple months.   So far these have yielded MPD Officer Diane Durham’s statement that refutes Joe Price’s known explanation of where he found Robert’s body; Detective Brian…

The Story of "O"

Where is Square One? You’ve likely been there before.  Trying to explain this case to a friend, you rattle off its evidentiary twists and legal turns.  Their reaction: bewilderment. You can hardly blame them.  The Robert Wone case is head-spinning…

The Story of "O"

Where is Square One? You’ve likely been there before.  Trying to explain this case to a friend, you rattle off its evidentiary twists and legal turns.  Their reaction: bewilderment. You can hardly blame them.  The Robert Wone case is head-spinning…