Category: Uncategorized


Monday’s motions hearing has been pushed back until Thursday, August 4. This is the first bit of news that’s been added to the Court docket since the end of May. Lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer? As if. 07/29/2011 Event…

August: DuPont Circle

 The Long, Hot Summer There’s been zero movement or any new filings made to the Wone docket on the Superior Court public database since May 25.  A few deadlines have passed since then: June 1 – all discovery was to…

Cleveland Rocks

The Cat is Back Thanks again to everyone’s favorite Cat (from Cleveland) – a longtime and trusted attorney voice here, she sends us this: “I have no knowledge of anything having to do with this case that is not in…

Party Games

Penguins Are People Too While we wait for more news, if any, on the possible settlement, we’ll kick off another post with a question posed by everyone’s favorite cat (or penguin), Cat from Cleveland.  She may not sparkle, but ever since joining us…

Say It Ain’t So Joe, Pt. II

Today marks exactly four months until the (scheduled) start of the October wrongful death trial.  That flurry of motions and filings we’d expected have yet to materialize, but the coming months should see the kickoff of a nasty battle over…

Say It Ain’t So Joe

The Op-Ed Pages Once again, taking to these pages with a guest post is longtime reader (maybe the very first), Bea.  She was one of the early trackers in this case when the only outpost was at datalounge. Few outside…

We’re Jammin’

What We Have Here, Is An Effort To Mediate Last week, in response to a joint motion, Judge Michael Rankin signed an order to cancel the June 14 Court-ordered ADR (Mediation/Case Evaluation) that had been on the Scheduling Order since last October. But…

“He’s Lying”

“About pretty much everything. “ Longtime reader Hoya Loya has taken to these pages before with two thoughtful and provocative guest posts.  We welcome him back. Last February, he tackled the thorny subject of whether there was consentual sex on…

Return Engagement

Plaintiffs Amend Expert Witness List A short, one-page filing hit the DC Superior Court clerk’s office this week, submitted by Plainfiff counsel Brett Reynolds of Covington. In early March, Covington filed their first iteration of the expert list but new…