For Tonight’s Forecast We Go To Dylan Ward On The Weather Desk There’s no end to the minutia that one can trawl through in the original affidavit for Dylan Ward’s arrest. Until the discovery phase and the ruling on the Bill of Particulars,…
Author: Craig
New Math
It Doesn’t Add Up, Mr. Kirschner (Updated) We’re 10 days away from the April 24 status conference in front of Judge Frederick Weisberg. And there may be no better time to begin a microscopic examination of the many inconsistencies, anomalies and…
Trading Spaces
A Document Dump We’ve learned a little more about the Silver Spring, Maryland property that Michael Price and Louis Hinton lived in at the time of Louis’ April, 2006 arrest on second degree assault charges. Montgomery County real estate records…
Still Giving Back
Reach Deep Robert’s spirit is kept alive by a number of organizations and we encourage all visitors to learn more about these worthy efforts, to contribute, sponsor or support them in any capacity. Robert’s family established The Robert E. Wone Memorial…
North By Northeast
A WMRW.COM Roadtrip One of the more enduring mysteries from the early days and investigation of the Wone murder has to do with the search warrant executed on the garage of a Northeast DC home. It’s a long way from Swann Street to…
Murder, Ink
The Color Of Money We put up the reward posters in a circle around the 1500 block of Swann Street. Visible, well-traveled spots from U Street down to P; 13th to 16th. MPD posters are all over the place too and Robert’s blended…
Just Say No…
…To Drug Testing Earlier this week DC Superior Court Fredrick Weisberg granted an extension to the Wone case prosecutors, giving them more time to respond to the defense’s motion for a bill of particulars. Defense attorneys had filed this motion…
Upstairs, Downstairs
The House of Morgan What we know about Sarah Morgan and her relationship with the three Swann Street housemates is somewhat limited. Her silence since the murder has helped ensure she remains a riddle. We’ve been told that she was initially close…
The 200
Growing the Tribe… In spite of the horrible Facebook redesign that no one seems to like, last night we crossed a small threshold in membership to the Robert Wone page. Thanks to all for helping us grow over there and…
T Minus Thirty
What’s Another 30 Days… Or 60 Years? We are now exactly one month away from the next court date in the Wone case. DC Superior Court Judge Frederick Weisberg has scheduled a status conference for April 24. Perhaps on that…