Who Murdered Robert Wone

“Rest awhile and enjoy the wonderful world around you.”

Three years ago today, a simple post on a simple website went up. Those 150 words were the start of a long journey. We had no idea where it would lead, but we always had a guiding light to follow – the man who this website was set up to honor. 

We don’t know how to measure success. Simple web metrics only tell a part of the story: this is the 575th post and 45,000 comments were generated from over 2 million page views. But the raw data isn’t the success, the people and passion behind those numbers were. Thousands were touched by Robert’s life and senseless murder. We often said that Robert brought many people together in his too short life, and he continued to do so long after his passing.

As the lights may flicker on this small outpost, the brighter flame of Robert’s life continues to shine. The four of us and the many who keep Robert’s memory alive still have that guiding light, its brightness augmented by the unrivaled strength and and undying love that Robert’s family and friends have shown; lighting a path during some very dark days.

At William and Mary’s homecoming, Robert’s family and friends gathered to honor him by dedicating a small campus grove in his memory. Anyone who was touched by Robert’s life should make the effort to stop by Barksdale Field to honor him. Before embarking on that journey, we can all dig deep again and contribute to the Robert Wone Charitable Trust.  There’s no better Tribe to be a part of.

From the William and Mary Website:

In Loving Memory: A plaque created in Robert Wone’s memory reads, “Rest awhile and enjoy the wonderful world around you.” Tribe family remembers Robert Wone ‘96. by Brian Whitson |  November 3, 2011

The College community gathered over Homecoming weekend to remember one of their own.

On Oct. 22, 2011, two benches and two Chinese pistache trees were dedicated in memory of Robert Eric Wone ’96. Dozens of friends and family gathered on Barksdale Field to remember Wone, who would have celebrated his 15th class reunion that weekend. Plaques in Wone’s memory read “Rest awhile and enjoy the wonderful world around you.” The William & Mary alumnus was murdered in Washington D.C. in 2006 in what remains an unsolved crime.

“The benches and trees are ideally located on Barksdale Field on the William& Mary campus, a field that overlooks a large grassy area where children are free to play and where students will often soak in the sun/pretend to study,” Wone’s wife, Kathy, wrote in a message following the event to classmates and friends thanking them for their hard work to raise funds for the tribute.

“This has been one of my happiest days since Robert’s tragic death.”

Wone’s death five years ago has affected many at the close-knit College community. By all accounts, he had a remarkable career at William & Mary. As an undergraduate, Wone served as both a president’s aide and a tour guide for prospective students and their families visiting campus. A Monroe Scholar, he received many honors, including membership into the Golden Key International Honor Society and Omicron Delta Kappa, the national leadership honor society for college students. At his Commencement ceremony in 1996, Wone, who majored in public policy at the College, received one of the two student Algernon Sydney Sullivan Awards.

“I always thought that award was very fitting for Robert,” said Sam Sadler ’64 M.Ed ‘71, who became good friends with Wone while serving as vice president for student affairs. Sullivan Award recipients are chosen based on their “heart, mind and helpfulness to others.”

“Robert was a top student. He was the kind of person who could have been elected to any office on campus but he always chose to work from behind the scenes,” said Sadler, who spoke at the dedication. “He was very, very committed to his friends.”

As an undergraduate, Sadler said, Wone became interested in the history of the College. He met and became good friends with the late Davis Y. Paschall, who served as William & Mary’s 22nd president from 1960 to 1971. He once wrote to Paschall and thanked him for inspiring a young student “to seek greatness in anonymity,” Sadler remembered. “He went on to say that ‘One of the most important things he found here was a loving group of friends.’

Sadler added, “Both thoughts are defining characteristics of Robert. He was constantly teaching me how to be a friend. He was just a remarkable person.”

David Aday, professor of American studies and sociology, knew Wone well as both a student in his class and an advisee. Aday said Wone, who was part of an exceptional cohort of students that came to William & Mary in the mid-1990s, made a positive impact on many people.

“There was always this incredible combination of kindness and vision,” Aday said.

Following his William & Mary graduation, Wone went on to earn his law degree from the University of Pennsylvania before working as an attorney in the nation’s capital. At the time of his death, Wone was serving as general counsel for Radio Free Asia.

Kathy Wone said the dedication was her first visit to campus since 2006. It had been “too painful, too lonely” to return, she said in her message to friends. Now, however, she has a reason to return on a regular basis: “To make sure the trees are growing healthy and strong and to watch the benches get that well-worn sheen from lots of bottoms sitting on them!”

And she offered a suggestion for friends and family when they return to campus.

“I hope you’ll take to heart the sentiment chosen for the plaques made in Robert’s memory – to rest awhile and enjoy the wonderful world around you.”

Editor’s note: The William & Mary News included excerpts from Kathy Wone’s email to friends with permission from the family.

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13 years ago

The Wone case has added to the luster of at least two attorneys. The Dec 2011 issue of Washingtonian magazine features its biennial listing of the best legal talent in DC (working in the private sector, that is). Over 800 are listed, but the top tier of 31 attorneys (labelled superstars) are featured with a small photo and a brief write up of their cases. Included are Ted Olson (#1, the rest are listed alphabetically and not ranked) such as Bob Bennett, Ken Feingold, Jamie Gorelick, Abbe Lowell, Brendan Sullivan and Seth Waxman. Also included among the top 31 are two attorneys known to wmrw readers: Patrick Regan and David Schertler — from different sides of the case(s). (Discussion of the Wone case takes up a big portion of both bio’s.)

Regan’s legal bio includes: “You won’t find this personal injury lawyer advertising on TV. Patrick Regan — widely regarded as a skilled and ethical plantiffs’ lawyer — works hard to counteract the negative stereotype associated with his practice…. Regan was .. on the legal team representing Kathy Wone, the widow of Robert Wone, the young attorney murdered in a Dupont Circle rowhouse in 2006, in her wrongful-death civil suit against the three men who lived in the house. The cae settled this summer.”

Schertler gets the star treatment, with an almost full sized photo, in addition to his bio on the preceding page. His bio includes: “David Schertler fine-tuned his courtroom skills in the DC US Attorney’s office, where he rose to chief of the Homicide Division in the 90s, prosecuting more than 50 jury trials. He opened his private law firm in 1996 and has since been involved in many of Washington’s — and the country’s — highest-profile criminal investigations. … Schertler’s most closely watched case of the past year was his representation of Dylan Ward, one of three men charged with crime-scene tampering and obstruction of justice in connection with the murder of Robert Wone, the young lawyer killed in a Dupont Circle home in 2006. A DC Superior Court judge acquitted Ward and his two housemates of the crimes in June 2010. A parallel wrongful death civil suit was settled a year later. There’s a chance that murder charges still could be brought, but Schertler remains confident. ‘An investigation into a murder case like this will stay open forever,’ he says. But as for who did it — ‘it wasn’t our guys.'”

The large photo of Schertler (p. 91) is captioned: “Who killed Robert Wone? ‘It wasn’t our guys,’ says defense attorney David Schertler.”

13 years ago
Reply to  Gloria

Ooops, I didn’t recognize him. Regan also gets the star treatment in the article, with a large photo of him (p. 89), a little smaller than Schertler’s photo (p. 90). His caption refers to another case, the fatal red line – subway – crash. 9 of the 31 top tier lawyers (2 of whom are Wone attorneys) get large photos in the article.

13 years ago

I’m so glad that D. Schertler is milking his “success” in defending a rogue masseuse — regardless of the moral dilemmas: is this why we all hate lawyers?

13 years ago

“Rest awhile and enjoy the wonderful world around you.” Compare that optimism with “it’s a messy world out there,” as quoted from a website emanating from Miami Beach.

Pure energy may need to come from a pure source: would “tainted” be a better adjective to use before the noun “energy”?

13 years ago
Reply to  Clio

“We hate all lawyers” because of David Schertler’s grandiloquence, Clio? All lawyers? Including Patrick Regan? And me? Oops, Misplaced the “all” in your statement.
Seriously, I so appreciate your and the Faithful Editors’ (and Susan’s, Bea’s, Gloria’s, and Bill’s and Bill2’s, and Bill O’s, et al.) keeping Robert’s memory alive. Forever!

13 years ago
Reply to  boofoc

I apologize, boo; my hyperbole did cast too wide a net there — would “most” or “many” be a better adjective prior to “lawyers?”

Schertler’s seeming bromance with “our guys” would be touching under different circumstances, but it has the ring of a homosocial fraternity that has pulled another fast one on a college administration. After “our guys,” perhaps, he should put “wink, wink.” Disgusting!

Bill Orange
Bill Orange
13 years ago
Reply to  boofoc

I’m certainly not going anywhere. As with OJ, justice was a long time in coming, but it happened eventually. My money’s still on sooner. I think the insurance company is going to pay out and then investigate the whole mess themselves, leaving Joe and Victor open for insurance fraud charges (or they’ll simply void the policy completely). I also think that Joe and Dylan will end up involved in a bunch of illegal activities in Miami, so there’s always a chance one of them will be tagged for something else.

13 years ago
Reply to  Bill Orange

What possibly could they be picked up for? Cheating at bingo? Jaywalking in front of a Sears? They’re too old for working the streets, I am afraid: that’s why Pure Energy may be seeking a “woman of a certain age” as its primary client base.

Linda S.
Linda S.
13 years ago
Reply to  Bill Orange

where is mark fuhrman when you need him?

Linda S.
Linda S.
13 years ago
Reply to  Linda S.

seriously, he would solve this in a week…then write a book about it. make everyone else look like fools.

11 years ago
Reply to  Linda S.

I doubt that Fuhrman would care to be involved with the murder of an Asian seeing how he feels about minorities in general, EXCEPT, to write a book or to make money off the death of another. I would not place so much on Fuhrman as being some super-hero. I guess that I just do not idolize human beings after knowing the evil that they are capable of. Besides, 3 white men are suspect in this case, do you really believe that Fuhrman would want for them to be imprisoned. Not in this country. IF you know what I mean..probably not though.

Bill 2
Bill 2
11 years ago
Reply to  Georgia

Georgia, perhaps you are unaware that Mark Fuhrman’s book about the 1975 murder of Martha Moxley gave new focus to the investigation after more than two decades. His 1998 book “Murder in Greenwich” named Michael Skakel as the murderer and pointed out numerous mistakes the police had made in investigating the crime.

The new investigation and trial resulted in sending Michael Skakel to prison as the killer.

13 years ago
Reply to  Linda S.

Exactly, dear, although one might argue that the “come-to-Jesus” detective was a very low-budget Fuhrman — one does recall that Fuhrman’s apparent prejudices helped to sway the O.J. jury to nullify.

Redeeming himself in the Moxley case then followed — no pain, no gain?

Bill Orange
Bill Orange
13 years ago
Reply to  Linda S.

I continue to point this out, especially to the “We’ll never know what happened that night” crowd, but these three know what happened that night. Victor might not know all the details, but he certainly knows more than he’s telling us. It’s not like we’re dealing with a “Jack the Ripper” case here that’s 100 years old. There are three people who are alive and well and could tell us exactly what happened that night, and they are refusing to do so. I think Kathy Wone let them off easy. Victor’s career can–and should have–been destroyed by this. You have the right to remain silent. But the rest of us have the right to point out that you’re preventing a killer from being brought to justice.

13 years ago
Reply to  Bill Orange

Should we then “occupy” Miami Shores, or, at the very least, picket Pure Energy? Such street theater would obviously allow the trouple to claim that they are/were victims of a vigilante vendetta, but it might just capture the mainstream media’s attention. Just a thought.

Bill Orange
Bill Orange
13 years ago
Reply to  Clio

Honestly, I think a single person plastering all of Victor’s workplaces with pictures of Victor with a blood mustache and a “got murderer?” caption would be more than enough to do it. All you really need to do is (a) make his employers aware of the fact that he’s shielding a murderer, and (b) make it obvious to them that this fact can be made very clear using a parody of their own ad campaign.

13 years ago
Reply to  Bill Orange

I disagree: Victor has proven to be much more resilient than even Joe would have thought possible. He’s already contained the damage to his own image and career,
and any direct action now against him would generate sympathy for him as either collateral victim or loyal wife.

He “saved” Joe and Dyl, and he now has to live with them happily ever after. That may be a suitable punishment — hardly the picture-perfect marriage that he had wanted.

13 years ago
Reply to  Bill Orange

agree. Birds of a feather are prone to repeat! whatever

13 years ago

Apology gladly/warmly accepted. And, brilliant analysis of the David’s off-color remark.

13 years ago

Let’s not get into that “too old” reasoning, Clio; even at my age one can get nabbed for friggin in the bushes at Haulover.
And also, Bill O, the possibility/probability of one of their “loyal” friends eventually becoming disloyal is real. These are the types of people who are as likely to have detractors as well as devotees. And murder is not the kind of secret it’s easy to maintain, I’d imagine.

13 years ago
Reply to  boofoc

Why has Mr. Hixson stayed so loyal? Why has the Divine Miss M.?

Were the shared memories of trysts (for Scott) or of buffets (for Sarah) with the trouple so good as to outweigh any sense of propriety?

I do think that age may lessen the chances of a repetition of August 2, 2006 in Miami Shores. At any rate, I doubt that Dyl has replaced his erotica collection, and I trust that no further glamour shots have been taken, even in nearby Wilton Manor.

Happy Holidays,

13 years ago
Reply to  Clio

Re Hixson, Clio, didn’t he take the last name of Price at times? And he was part of the 1500 Swann household for a time and legally defended by other Swann resident and homeowner Joe Price. I imagine many strong bonds (not just the kind that “master” DW perpetuated or VZ dreamed of) were formed in that household and many secrets shared. Didn’t H have some brushes with the law re domestic violence before with someone else? I thought that was in the online court records. He likely has no affinity for cops, etc. Then, again, it seems he does have religion, so maybe someday he’ll get the calling to share what he knows.

13 years ago
Reply to  susan

Well, it was established that Scott carried on some kind of intimacy with at least Dyl — just after the murder. And, he did seem rather Johnny-on-the-spot with the infamous Mercedes meeting.

Yet, any links between Scott and reports of domestic violence are news to me, and I have a hard time imagining those details to be accurate. Nevertheless, this elf may be scrappier than we had previously thought; who knew that such short and “sweet” interior designers could lead such maverick-y lives!

Re religion: Wasn’t it Victor who church-hopping in the late 1990s to find a man? Who knew that Scott had a spiritual side, too! Is he still single, though: if so, there must be something there …

13 years ago
Reply to  Clio

Oops, I left out a word. Stick in “went” before “church-hopping” in the first sentence of the last paragraph.

13 years ago
Reply to  Clio

Apologies, Clio (and Hixson!). The H-name got me confused. Re Hixson, my guess would be he just wouldn’t want any more negative publicity, esp. since he runs a business in the District.

13 years ago
Reply to  susan

Yet, wouldn’t renewed publicity give him a marketable edginess — always useful in a profession looking for the next new thing?

Something tells me that we wouldn’t see Scott married with children anytime soon — that was Culuket’s bag, after all.

13 years ago
Reply to  susan

Oh, my mistake here. I meant Hinton. Louis Hinton.

13 years ago
Reply to  susan

Understood. Scott had no official partner with whom to spar, at least in 2006.

Is it true that Louis has found religion –which one, then, could it be, Susan? Episcopal, or Church of God in Christ, or candomble?

Bill Orange
Bill Orange
13 years ago

I’m still partial to a photo of Victor with a blood mustache and the caption, “got murderer?” I suspect his employers wouldn’t need to see that too many times before they decided that his services were no longer necessary.

Linda S.
Linda S.
13 years ago
Reply to  Bill Orange

or got victims?

13 years ago
Reply to  Linda S.

Or, got lucky? Or, got away with it? Or, got off with a cash settlement and a Florida exile? Have money, will travel!

13 years ago

What happened to Phelps’s sneaker-sparkle bizness?
Apparently he’s a photog now. Wonder if he’s in touch with his former partner/s in crime. Hope he makes a nice donation to the Humane Society or some other animal welfare org. to make amends for at least one of the crimes for which he didn’t pay.

Alas, I’d rather Bootsy than Phelps III.

13 years ago
Reply to  susan

A photographer? How chic! Perhaps, he can teach his former “friends” how to take a better shot — disposable cameras are so 1996, after all!

13 years ago

Greg…thanks for the update, I still check-in from time to time to see if there is any news and I enjoyed reading all the “good” things that are happening in Robert’s memory.

Rick in NC

13 years ago

Editors – Outstanding work that you should feel very proud to have done. My wish is that someday, somehow the truth will come out. Please don’t forget that sometimes these cases do get solved, even if it takes decades. For example, 1975 Greenwhich, CONN murder of Martha Moxley and the subsequent conviction of Skakel in June 2002. This conviction happened only after a new investigation and book. If I or someone I love is ever murdered and the murderer is not found, I hope that a dedicated group like yourselves will keep pushing for justice. Thank you for what you have done.

13 years ago

I’m not sure trashing the “got milk” slogan is fair to the cows, who are likely not guilty of anything.

13 years ago
Reply to  boofoc

Boo, dearest, I wonder if Victor could push anything besides milk in Miami, but he is stubbornly steadfast in his loyalty to dairy products. If only Culuket had become lactose intolerant! Why, on the other hand, didn’t they serve 2 percent on that fateful evening? Hmmm …

Bill Orange
Bill Orange
13 years ago
Reply to  boofoc

Perhaps not to cows, but the “got milk?” campaign continues to employ Victor, and I’m assuming that his co-workers are aware of his legal troubles. The “not our sweet Victor” belief should’ve died right after the civil settlement. I wouldn’t lose a minute of sleep if someone started to forcefully point out the kind of people they employ. Soy milk is starting to look better and better.

13 years ago

Beware, “forcefully pointing out” can lead to defamation lawsuits.

Not because of or in spite of dear Victor, but I’ve already switched to Silk. I’m interested though: how do we know about Victor’s continued employment by “got milk”? Then he is continuing his out-of-town stints, thus allowing the unemployed (?) Joe and hands-on Dyl to tryst with abandon? (Haven’t been able to determine Joe’s bar status in Florida?) Gotta re-check the Miami Shores address (and Miami airport ?) for comings and goings.

Love the “dearest,” Clio; that mean I’m “in”?

Bill Orange
Bill Orange
13 years ago
Reply to  boofoc

Again, as I’ve repeatedly pointed out, there is no possible avenue by which any of these three can win a defamation lawsuit, nor do I see any way in which someone can win one on their behalf. They aren’t willing to answer the question, “Did you participate in the rape and murder of Robert Wone?” How, exactly, are they going to prove that they’re being defamed?

13 years ago
Reply to  Bill Orange

Bill O:

Are you a Florida lawyer? If not, please don’t give out legal advice. If anyone tries to harass someone, or try to make them lose their job, there are remedies not limited to “defamation.” I agree with boofoc that people should not do anything personally as to the Swann 3. As I have said before, if anyone (crazy or not) decides to personally do anything with the Swann 3, I would suggest a session with a good lawyer first. Also, don’t be surprised with jail time or other penalties or being hauled before a judge to explain your harassment of others. Keep a good lawyer on this, and start now building your legal defense fund. I will not contribute.

13 years ago
Reply to  Bruce

And I would suggest that anyone who may wish to go down any dark path, that they read up on protective and restraining orders. And how such things can go on your record for life. Courts are pretty sensitive to claims of stalkers now-a-days. Much better to be a computer chair detective. Happy holidays!

Bill 2
Bill 2
13 years ago
Reply to  Bruce

It’s amusing that you feel someone who has anger toward the trio could be going down a “dark path.” I think it’s the trouple you love to defend in this forum who are denizens of that dark path.

13 years ago
Reply to  Bill 2

Why would anyone (except the mythical ninja that fateful evening) go down a dark path? One would have obviously used the front door, and not the servant’s entrance, for easy exit.

13 years ago

K. Wone’s settlement with Dylan Ward, Joseph Price and Victor Zaborsky made the Blade’s year-end round-up. Here’s hoping convictions mark next year’s year-end round up:


13 years ago
Reply to  susan

It could happen.

13 years ago
Reply to  AnnaZed

Thanks, Susan, for posting this. I wonder why the reassembled (in Miami) trouple and their attorneys did not offer any comments at all to Lou: are they really still worried about future indictments? Or, to them, does silence equal rebirth — let’s wait till everyone forgives and forgets, and we’ll all get makeovers to boot?

13 years ago
Reply to  Clio

It’s also in the Post’s top 10 most-watched crime cases from 2011. I think the reason Joseph R. Price, Victor Zaborsky, and Dylan M. Ward don’t talk, Clio, is because six years after Robert Wone’s murder in their private home, with no evident sign of a break-in, that laser-beam spotlight is still focused on them.

Bill 2
Bill 2
13 years ago
Reply to  susan

Thank you, Susan, for posting this link. There’s a slight bit of satisfaction that people around the District are reading about “…the three men, who allegedly drugged and sexually assaulted Wone the night of his death.”

You’re right that news stories like this help to keep the spotlight on the trouple. This blog helps keep that light turned on.

13 years ago
Reply to  susan

Thanks, Susan, for this WaPo reference. The accompanying picture montage is both revealing and heart-wrenching, but one does get the strange feeling that more chapters are yet to be written for this saga.

To me, Joe seems angry in these pix; Victor seems tired and worn; Dyl seems indifferent and light-heartedly defiant. The sunglasses probably were not the best choice, if one wanted to project a sympathetic pose to the judge and public, and why wasn’t Holder more aggressive sooner? We’ll never know for sure.

13 years ago
Reply to  susan

Well, if I had absolutely nothing to do with this mess and was falsely accused, then, after one “not guilty” judgment and then a cash settlement, I would at least give Lou a boilerplate expression of sympathy and remembrance. Staying completely silent is usually not what completely innocent people do — especially after they have convicted (seemingly incorrect to them?) by many court observers.

13 years ago
Reply to  Clio

Oops, it should read above —
“especially after they have been convicted …” — add the “been.”

13 years ago

To Dianne : I understand you and hear your message. You hang in there girl.
To Emily in Australia : hats off to you.
To Susan : we are alot alike.
To all posters/lurkers (me included) : I think RW would be pleased with the collective WMRW effort ( I did not know him). Please, think before you post, in his honor. Think as if he was reading this. This of Chilaw. God rest her soul. Happy New Year to all. May 2012 be the year WMRW is solved.

13 years ago
Reply to  hopeforjustice

“this” of Chilaw should be “think” of Chilaw !

13 years ago
Reply to  hopeforjustice

Thanks, HFJ. That’s a nice note.

Happy New Year to every poster on this site.

13 years ago

How do the web metrics of this site compare to other similar ventures? Are they larger or smaller?

Forty-five thousand comments strong and growing do seem to indicate, at the very least, public dissatisfaction with the still “very active” investigation; 2 million page views may not have been anticipated by Culuket, whose alt dot bomb ad for additional “gentleman” callers may not have received such a response. Yet with all of this heat and light, no one has been charged with the murder, and the three men at 1509 Swann on August 2, 2006 are still living together, albeit in a more modest and less fashonable bungalow. Will more “sound and fury” be futile, as memories fade and people move on — only time will tell in this New Year!

13 years ago

A belated Happy New Year to my fellow posters at WMRW. FYI, I’m late as a result of having seen my shaman and avatar (Patti Smith) perform on New Year’s Eve and the night before – her 65th birthday – we should all have that kind of energy and command at 25, let alone 65. As she concluded: I don’t f*ck much with the past but I f*ck plenty with the future – and the future is now. Seek truth.

13 years ago
Reply to  Bea

Hey Bea,

Lucky you! I’ve seen Patti perform in DC and she is wonderful Gets everyone on their feet with People Have the Power. (WMRW posters have the power!) She is great. I’m sure you read Just Kids, too. Happy New Year.

13 years ago
Reply to  susan

Thanks, Susan. She is amazing – great book (of course, I have all the signed, first edition copies of even her pre-fame poetry books and every other bit of nostalgia).

13 years ago

TLC is showing an episode of 20/20 right now, where the Vidocq Society helped solve a 10-year old murder mystery. Didn’t someone from this site contact them a couple of years ago? Any hope they will be interested in the Wone case, since seemingly the MPD is not prioritizing the Wone case?

13 years ago


The editors reached out to the Vidocq Society, and while there was initial interest, especially by the man who wrote the book about the Vidocq Society, unfortunately, it does not fit all the criteria they need to take the case on, namely that it be labeled a cold case. The MPD still lists the case as an active investigation.

At least that is my understanding.


13 years ago
Reply to  David

David, what are the criteria for considering a case to be “active”?

Bill 2
Bill 2
13 years ago
Reply to  David

The DC cops probably don’t want the Vidocq Society to see how they mismanaged and bungled the investigation. For that reason, they probably won’t allow it to be considered a cold case.

It may still be officially listed as an active investigation, but I don’t belive that for a minute.

In Orlando, Florida, there’s a missing person case where the police chief announced this morning that a new group — dubbed the Specialized Multi-Agency Review Team (SMART) — is to “start from scratch” and comb through all the evidence collected in the last six years.

Law-enforcement experts, along with criminal-justice profilers, scientists and prosecutors, are among the 19 members of the new panel in Orlando.

It would be nice to see this same type of thing happen with the Robert Wone murder case. It’s time for this cold case to truly become an active investigation.

13 years ago
Reply to  David

Thanks for your response, David. Let’s hope and pray that during our lifetime, we will find out the truth and the culprits will be punished. Meanwhile, I wonder how Joseph Prices’s new solo law practice is doing. Wouldn’t most anyone around the DC area know about the Wone murder, or at least, other attorneys would know about his brush with the law?

13 years ago
Reply to  Nelly

Yet, if other lawyers knew, would they care? They are attorneys after all.

13 years ago
Reply to  Clio


13 years ago

The Milkman Returns:


BTW, try hemp, soy, almond or rice milk as alternatives. Got substitute? Yes!

13 years ago
Reply to  susan

“Milk is the perfect complement at breakfast,” said Victor Zaborsky, MilkPEP Marketing Director. “We teamed up with Kellogg’s to remind America about the winning breakfast combination of milk and cereal, which helps families get nourishment they need for successful days.”

I guess Joe’s attempt at being Harvey Milk is over, but Victor’s milking of moms may continue unabated. What would the Kellogg brothers have to say about this scandal — are they rolling in their graves at the prospect of Ma’am pushing their products?

13 years ago


MilkPEP is located in the heart of Washington, DC at:

1250 H Street, NW, Suite 950
Washington D.C. 20005

Not too far from the Women in the Arts Museum, Metro Center, etc.

I imagine Vic comes to town now and then to touch base with hdqtrs. Still tied to DC. In more ways than one.

13 years ago

And this just in from Marketwire (okay, I don’t like milk):

SOURCE: Packaged Facts

January 19, 2012 12:41 ET

With Almond as the New White Milk, Dairy Alternatives Make Further Inroads

NEW YORK, NY–(Marketwire – Jan 19, 2012) – Total retail sales of soy milk, almond milk, rice milk and other plant milks reached $1.33 billion in 2011, according to Dairy Alternative Beverages in the U.S., a recently released report from market research firm Packaged Facts.

Recent decades have seen an incremental but steady decline in dairy beverage consumption: the average per-capita consumption of cow’s milk fell from 24.3 gallons per person in 1994 to 20.8 gallons per person in 2008, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) data. Many consumers are increasingly turning either to non-caloric beverages or to non-traditional beverages with novel nutritional characteristics or benefits — the latter a positive trend for the dairy alternative beverages market.

Consumers choose plant-based dairy alternatives for numerous reasons, according to David Sprinkle, publisher of Packaged Facts. Health issues including lactose intolerance, milk allergy, and the genetic disorder phenylketonuria (PKU) can be addressed through the consumption of dairy alternative beverages because these plant-based milks are free of animal proteins, in particular casein. Prime consumers of dairy alternative beverages also include vegans, vegetarians and people concerned about the antibiotics or growth hormones often found in cow’s milk.

Various types of plant milks are available in a growing array of formulations. These include flavored, sweetened, unsweetened, low-fat or non-fat, and fortified varieties, as well as blends formulated to address specific health concerns such as heart health (a common marketing positioning for soy milk products), digestive health, energy, and calcium absorption. Packaged Facts survey data show that more than half (54%) of U.S. adults who purchase soymilk do so because of the nutritional characteristics of this beverage, and nearly half (43%) do so because of nutritional advantages related to specific personal or household health concerns.

Almond milk, however, was the dairy alternative beverage that posted the biggest dollar sales gains in 2011, for a number of reasons. Generally, people enjoy the flavor of almond milk. It is a good source of unsaturated fats; the fats found in almond milk derive primarily from the natural almond oil. Almond milk is high in protein and omega fatty acids, contains no cholesterol or saturated fat, and has high levels of iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and zinc, as well as the antioxidants vitamin A and vitamin E.

Packaged Facts survey data show that while soymilk remains the single most popular single type of dairy alternative beverage, with 11% of adults as consumers, almond milk is now close behind in popularity, at 9%. Moreover, 62% of adults who use almond milk are drinking this beverage somewhat more often or much more often than they were five years ago. The almond milk segment, which now accounts for 21% of the retail market for dairy alternative beverages, therefore saw sales increase by 79% in 2011.

Across the most popular dairy alternative beverage segments, in addition, competition has increased as private-label brands have been slotted side-by-side with the now-familiar leading brands. In some regions, many of the private-label dairy alternative beverages boast the same formulations as the branded products and undercut the branded-label retail price. In retail outlets featuring private label dairy alternatives, these store brand products often command the premium shelf space for both refrigerated and aseptic versions.

In addition, the introduction of single-serve dairy alternative beverages has created broader opportunities for beverage manufacturers to reach a larger market. These ready-to-drink beverages fit well in refrigerated cases alongside water, juices, and sodas, and can provide an immediate snack for a kid or adult, a beverage to pack for lunch, or a small container for use as a creamer, along with the ability to cater to different taste and nutritional preferences within a household. Packaged Facts Food Shopper Insights survey data show that 21% of grocery shoppers purchase refrigerated single-serve beverages for immediate consumption, a rate that puts these grab-and-gulp drinks in the same league as sweet snacks such as chocolate candy or cookies or as traditional beverage staples such ground/whole bean coffee.

For more information, please visit MarketResearch.com or https://www.packagedfacts.com/Soy-Milk-Dairy-6504961/.

About Packaged Facts — Packaged Facts, a division of MarketResearch.com, publishes market intelligence on a wide range of consumer market topics, including consumer demographics and shopper insights, consumer financial products and services, consumer goods and retailing, consumer packaged goods (including foods and beverages, health and beauty care, and household products), and pet products and services. Packaged Facts also offers a full range of custom research services. To learn more, visit: http://www.packagedfacts.com. Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Bill 2
Bill 2
13 years ago

In the past we discussed the fact that people who live in a home in Florida, can’t have the home taken away to pay off a judgment against them in a court case. That’s one of the reasons that O.J. Simpson moved to south Florida and probably the reason that the Swann threesome bought their house down there. OTOH, you still have to keep up the payments on the house because that’s how you can lose it. Simpson’s family apparently haven’t been keeping up payments so the bank wants to foreclose. Regarding the Swann threesome, I suppose the salary of a MilkPEP Marketing Director helps them keep up with house payments.

You have to figure the Marketing Director has to appear in DC once in awhile. If that’s the case, does he wonder what the other two will bring into the household during his absence? Does he wish he could stay in DC and not go back to Florida? If the other two are having special guests, at least they no longer have to ask a downstairs lady to skedaddle during their night games.

13 years ago
Reply to  Bill 2

I hear you Bill 2. And again, you have to wonder if they scratched that itch for the third they sought or if something happened the night of Robert Wone’s murder to quash that. Also have to wonder about DW’s business, etc.

You know, the sad thing is, nothing will bring Robert Wone back to this world. But people do like closure. It would bring her, his parents, brother, friends, colleagues and most of us here some closure by having RW’s murderer/murderers brought to justice. If there is anything more that the trouple hasn’t shared, how can they live with themselves?

13 years ago
Reply to  susan

By her I meant Mrs. K. Wone.

Yes, you are so right too re the Florida home. That makes sense. Also, from what I can tell, J. Price and VZ likely have family living out there.

Bill 2
Bill 2
13 years ago
Reply to  susan

I have no problem with anyone speculating about their present day relationships and extra partners. If those relationships hit a big bump, that could result in a break that is needed in this case. They probably check this blog so let them see reminders of how they’re stuck together and have no freedom to break apart for the rest of their lives. Let there be reminders of past cheating with neighbors when they were supposed to be in a loving relationship. Is there a continuation of this in Florida when one is out of town? And let’s hope the downstairs lady, Sarah Morgan, checks in here now and then and knows we’re still waiting for her to tell the rest of the story.

13 years ago
Reply to  Bill 2

“Neighbor and/or Tenant in the Wone Case: The Price of Silence, 2006-Present” would be an interesting appendix to any popular history of this tragedy.

13 years ago
Reply to  Bill 2

So many with stories to tell – Sarah, Tom & John, the boys with whom Joe had contact on Alt, Michael and his boyfriend(s), neighbor Hixon, anyone hearing pillow talk from a loose-lipped drunken/high “defendant” – somebody has to talk at some point.

13 years ago
Reply to  Bea

-or produce a docudrama of the event. I’m sure there are legal considerations, but what is on the public record is up for grabs, I imagine.

13 years ago
Reply to  susan

Oh yes, Susan, the best opening scene for such a made-for-TV work could be the reported blow-up between Michael and the policewoman in the parking lot after the funeral — even John Grisham himself could not make that nadir up!

13 years ago
Reply to  Clio

Or make it from the Ninja’s POV:
I wanted to burglarize someone one night and scaled a nine foot fence and – to my surprise – the door was unlocked. I grabbed a kitchen knife and forgot to steal anything and managed to go up and down the wooden staircase so quietly that no one noticed a thing. Once upstairs I passed the first bedroom for no particular reason and past a flat screen and on to the second bedroom. I left the guy’s watch and wallet but had an urge stab him three times – managed to hit him just right so he couldn’t fight back at all, and then I poked him with some needles and ejaculated him, which I placed in his rectum. Oh yeah, I wiped the knife free of prints and wore gloves throughout the house – brought a spare pair since the one pair had semen on them. Anyway, I was only in there a few minutes, as the Joe character later told cops but I really managed to do a lot in a short time, what with the surgically precise stab wounds, needle marks, and semen. Oh yeah, then I went out the back door and climbed back over the fence even though the door was right there – I figured I’d get more exercise that way and since I’d forgotten to steal anything it wasn’t that hard to go back over.

The three guys who lived there made it better for me by doing a lot of lying and looking guilt as hell. They came up with some real whoppers and messed up some easy stuff. The first thing they did was to get rid of all their cameras, which doesn’t make sense to me, and then came up with stories that focused on the weirdest things, like saying it was 11:43 when they called 911. The upstairs pair forgot to check on their second floor roommate, which seems really odd to me, so I wonder if they all thought each other was guilty of murdering their friend – or maybe somebody the know. Anyway, they really helped me out – although I got nothing from my night’s work and really don’t have a clue why I acted the way I did.

13 years ago
Reply to  Bea

A small correction. You, Ninja, did not SCALE the 9 ft fence but must have floated over it (both on entry and exit) because you did not disturb the dust or insects on top of the fence.

13 years ago
Reply to  Gloria

You are so right. Actually I used my jetpack to go over the fence as I entered and as I departed.

12 years ago
Reply to  Bea

I like that about you.

12 years ago
Reply to  Bea

CDinDC – I miss you!

Bill 2
Bill 2
13 years ago
Reply to  Bea

The story needs a quote from Chief Lanier telling how her people are actively pursuing the Ninja. Recent tales from the Chief regarding the solving of crimes and awarding of honors for outstanding police detectives clearly indicate that she enjoys fiction.

13 years ago
Reply to  Bill 2

And, here I thought only Stalinist Russia had such a penchant for revisionist history —

Just give yourself a bunch of awards for things you did not do —


13 years ago
Reply to  Clio

Hey Clio,

I think Putinist Russiaalso engages in revisiionist history, not unlike some of the main players in this case.

I think your opening scene and/or Bea’s would be great. Seriously, a film could really awaken C. Lanier from her slumber in this case. Maybe it’s a matter of crunching numbers for closed cases taking up too much time.

11 years ago
Reply to  Bea

Also, I believe theat WARD was the ring leader to this murder and should be tried under Federal court for violating Robert Wone’s civil rights as well Price and Zabrosky. Ward’s lifestyle over seas (as I do know about that “teacher’s life” that he led smell of perversion and rape and there is a way to get this one. Yes, I do believe that he is the murderer and on top of that, this was premeditated BEFORE Wone came over that night. All of this case is about premeditation and the disgusting fact that all three have recovene to live together again to help to keep each other’s mouth shut. This is a true travesty of injustice through and through. I cannot believe that this case did not recieve wider national attention because I know I followed the news during these particular years (mostly the year of Wone’s murder). Ward committed the murder and all three raped him and used a drug that could not be traced to incapacitate him (perhaps this is why there were so many needle marks so that the drug would absorb into the liver quickly. This is why I know that this murder was planned before Wone arrived by Ward. Ward is one of those stragglers who can leave the country at a moments’ notice and probably has done this before. Has anyone delved into his back ground while he was overseas? Have there been any unsolved murders or cases of assault while he was “teaching” and writing “children’s books”? There has to be something that that can be resurrected to keep his face upfront so that this case is never forgotten. Ward is the suspect pervert because I have met men like him before with the very same lifestyle of over seas travels as “teachers” and many of them are very much sexually driven and keep many secrets while teaching over seas. I would investigate that angle a little closer. Which ever one committed this crime will attempt to do it again in a different way. This murder has the ear marks of having committed a crime similar to this in their pasts. Ward should have been deeply investigated during his years over seas (where a lot of these perversions are acted out amongst the “teachers” there. Many of them “teach” to act out their sexual proclivities in secret over seas and he may be associated w/ a rape where he lived during those years. I bet there is something there and he should be investigated for other crimes overseas.

11 years ago
Reply to  Georgia

I wouldn’t be surprised if Dylan Michael Ward had been up to shady things during his time in Thailand. All three must’ve had a hand in Wone’s murder for them to keep sticking together instead of pointing at Ward. Ward is still in business “massaging” clientele in Miami at Pure Energy Massage. I will pay a visit there. 7136 Abbot Ave.
Miami Beach, FL 33141

(305) 767-0610

12 years ago
Reply to  Bill 2

> and have no freedom to break apart
> for the rest of their lives.

Especially because if one of them ever thinks of breaking off, or displays signs of doubts, he knows his continued existence (or not) might immediately be considered an urgent life-and-death matter by the others. Would this really be a serious danger? Well, that would depend in part on whether the others had a history of vigorous knife play before this, wouldn’t it? Desperate people do desperate things — and all three of them know it.

So, you guys, if one of you ever begins to think of coming clean, I would give nary the slightest hint of it, not one speck — and then unload the whole thing all at once in some safe office, with videorecording, witnesses, the works, so there’ll be nothing left to shut you up about.

Bill 2
Bill 2
12 years ago

When they moved to south Florida, I figured they were stuck there together because they couldn’t trust one guy to go away for a few days, have several drinks or get high on something and reveal some info about the murder. When a photo turned up, a few months ago, of Zaborsky at some milkPEP event, that blew away my whole scenario.

When Zaborsky leaves Florida to tend to the milk marketing, does he wonder who and how many will be sleeping in his bed during his absence?

12 years ago
Reply to  Bill 2

I’m not sure what Zaborsky wonders, but I bet he’s sure to call ahead if he’s going to return to town early!

13 years ago
Reply to  susan

Closure in literature went away with the bustle, the buggy whip, and the five-cent cigar, but this mess is still non-fiction — even if no one would have ever predicted that they would all have avoided jailtime so far.

Even if the Law has only offered “cold comfort” to this point, the verdict of History may be far more satisfying — just a thought.

Bill 2
Bill 2
13 years ago

Listening to BBC on the radio last night, they talked about a special cold case task force that is being set up in Miami to help solve a backlog of murder cases. Somebody needs to push that idea at Chief Lanier. The time for her to admit that this is not an active case is long overdue.

13 years ago
Reply to  Bill 2

I agree. The window dressing has to cease: move on and tell the truth, Cathy (Lanier) with a C!

13 years ago
Reply to  Clio

Good luck with that, Clio. Interesting headlines in the on-line Washington Post today. Can this pseudo super sleuth be our very own Det. Norris of Joe Price interrogation fame?

13 years ago
Reply to  jeana

“Norris, who was paid $136,514 in 2010, including more than $61,000 in overtime pay, said he knew his record wasn’t what his supervisors claimed, but he didn’t dispute them during the ceremony — or afterward.”

And we wonder why no one will ever be brought to account in the Wone case — DC is truly America’s most “rotten borough,” I am afraid to say!

13 years ago
Reply to  Clio

Thanks. Missed that one but here it is and it’s astonishing and pathetic:


The same author of that article, Cheryl Thompson, has an article on Chief Cathy Lanier’s supposedly high homicide closure rate:

13 years ago
Reply to  susan

Well, this can be only more comforting news for Culuket, who must have banked on this level of incompetence — Chief Lanier, shame on you, if this BS is true!

Bill 2
Bill 2
13 years ago
Reply to  Clio

The city officials responsible for the employment of Chief Lanier should hang their heads in shame for keeping a chief whose department continues to display the same level of incompetence that was evident in August 2006.

13 years ago
Reply to  Bill 2

They should “hang their heads in shame,” but they won’t. It’s an expectations game, and no one expects the officials of the District to be competent. Grim(m)!

Where’s the outrage? It was outsourced to Maryland.

13 years ago
Reply to  susan

Well, I guess that at least gives them some incentive to solve the Wone murder, if they can count it against future years’ closer rates.

13 years ago
Reply to  mw

Cynical, but hopefully true.

How long can a “very active” investigation remain “very active,” Chief Lanier? Has anyone asked her this on WTOP recently?

Bill Orange
Bill Orange
13 years ago
Reply to  Bill 2

I’m not convinced that there aren’t things going on “behind the scenes”. As Bea has pointed out, Joe does not appear to be licensed to practice law in Florida. I doubt he flubbed the test. I think he either didn’t take it (and I can’t imagine why he wouldn’t) or he wasn’t allowed to sit for the exam. There may or may not be an insurance investigation in progress, which I’m sure the police would be happy to help with. I would call this case more “lukewarm” than “cold”.

13 years ago
Reply to  Bill Orange

I hope you are right, Bill. I’m hoping for an inner-circle type to jump ship. And I’m sure that if anyone (Michael?) gets arrested for anything, someone will reopen the questioning.

13 years ago
Reply to  Bea

Has Michael, though, cleaned up his act (enough) for good — ensuring that the silence continues indefinitely? Age may be the deciding factor here, but his enduring Manhunt does give one pause.

13 years ago
Reply to  Clio

He’s listed “Michael Clay Price” as living in Miami. Re Phelps Collins III he has two myspace pages (one called “Phelps” listing Washington, DC as the address and one for Naperville Florida. In the former, for the category of “Heroes” he lists “myself”; in the latter, favorite music is “Chopped N Screwed” by T Pain.

13 years ago
Reply to  susan

And he’s got a new photog biz and a new two-bdrm condo. Hey, if people are going to put their lives on Facebook and Twitter…

13 years ago
Reply to  susan

If that’s true, Mr. Collins has really turned it around — bravo for him, but such personal improvements of any of the players, however minor, cannot be good for trying to find the fading truth. Sigh!

13 years ago

I looked up the address for the practice again and saw that another attorney had that address listed at least in 2010. Maybe it’s a general practice site. I’ve seen businesses set up in townhomes. And didn’t DW set up his first practice in his (or his sort of bf’s) home?

Bill 2
Bill 2
13 years ago
Reply to  susan

I was wondering if this was some storefront type operation with just a legal clerk manning the phones and e-mail with attorneys handling everything by fax and messaging. A situation where there is no attorney in the building.

13 years ago
Reply to  Bill 2

I thought I’d checked Google Maps and it looked like a regular townhouse but I can’t remember it clearly. Still can’t figure out the Missouri fax number. Regardless, it’s not likely a standard law office with lawyers sitting in their offices doing work, a receptionist answering the phone, assistants working their butts off. I’m curious if this new specialty of his does him much good – my bet is that discount/temp work still rules the day: document review, a few bones tossed from old colleagues, things Joe likely was quite disdainful of in his old life (as in remarking of Robert that he wasn’t going to make partner – hardly relevant – or tactful – to tell the cops the night he’s murdered).

13 years ago
Reply to  Bea

Hi Bea,

Try this: Type in the address like this: “101 Smith Place” NW (not the real address, of course), with the region outside the quotation marks and scroll and you should see a reference to someone else having been or still there.

Re JP, what you suggest sounds right. I also wonder if he gets clients from his and his co-suspects/defendants’ former attorneys.

Bill Orange
Bill Orange
13 years ago
Reply to  Bea

It looks like a plain old regular residential townhouse on street view, as do the houses on either side. I was able to link one other person with that address (aside from the owner, who is NOT declaring it a homestead), but it’s not a name a recognize from the witness lists. It might be a friend of Joe’s, or it might just be a previous renter.

13 years ago
Reply to  Bill Orange

Bill O,the person I saw listed lists it as a business address. By Capitol Hill and in some other areas I have seen businesses set up in townhouses in residential areas.

13 years ago
Reply to  susan

If you shorten the address by two numbers, e.g., instead of 1079 Hampstead 1077 Hampstead there’s another type of bus. listed.

13 years ago
Reply to  Bea

“Crumbs for Culuket: Biding Time During the ‘Active’ Investigation (2011- ?)” must be still a chapter being written.

Bill 2
Bill 2
13 years ago

In the settlement with Kathy Wone, there was some talk about the insurance covering some of the settlement and the trio had to pay money out of their own pockets on top of that. Not sure if that was just some speculation here or if it’s based on fact. If they don’t have a living wage type of income, they can’t be making payments. Could this address and the Missouri fax number be someone’s attempt to hide income and claim to be unemployed or under-employed?

13 years ago
Reply to  Bill 2

I was wondering the same thing. I hope that team Wone read this.

13 years ago
Reply to  Bill 2

Why would anyone pick a Missouri fax number if they are not working in Missouri?

Yet something else may be rotten in Denmark, methinks?

13 years ago
Reply to  Clio

Could Joe be in Missouri or someplace other than DC? That address he uses for his solo law practice also shows up as an address for a certain Ms. Collier [I shall leave out her first name]. She seems to be a legal consultant who does work for the Innocence Project and some other things regarding drug and juvenile justice policies.

13 years ago
Reply to  Nelly

The Innocence Project: where have we heard about that before on this very weblog?

That explanation for the Missouri number is certainly a stretch, but there may be a most bitter irony — if Joe, given what may have happened on August 2, 2006, is in any way working for the Innocence Project and/or drug justice issues. Yikes!

12 years ago
Reply to  Clio

The Innocent Project does some amazing work! AMAZING! If Joe is working for them this would be a great way to rehabilitate the soul and relieve some of that guilt.

12 years ago
Reply to  christylove

Perhaps, Christy, but, to really repent, he could also petition to stay at Holy Cross Abbey in Berryville, Virginia, which is relatively close to the District; the Trappist monks there may need his help in preparing their cakes and chocolates for sale. He could serve as a taste-tester!

12 years ago
Reply to  Clio

I don’t think that’s what the earlier poster implied re that organization. It doesn’t seem any of the persons involved with the earlier trial is connected to that group.

12 years ago
Reply to  Nelly

He could be anywhere, really – his “law office” phone number is through some service which prevents the owner from being revealed (a telephone number “washing” service) – or even traced? 🙂 As for the Missouri fax number, my guess is that it’s something similar although I couldn’t nail it down – likely a Missouri based service which monitors faxes and redirects (but WHO faxes these days?). The “email” on the website isn’t a solid email address but a form which blocks any transparency.

And maybe the bigger question is IS HE WORKING AT ALL? Still curious if he’s sat for the Florida bar and/or if there are “issues” on moral turpitude. . .

Bill Orange
Bill Orange
12 years ago
Reply to  Bea

I can’t imagine that he’s doing much legal work. The website seems almost pathetic and can’t be bringing in much business. And if he were involved in anything big in DC or VA, I would imagine we’d have heard about it by now.

12 years ago
Reply to  Bea

How many folks in 2012 are turned down simply for “moral turpitude?” Who would write to point out his/her alleged sins?

Bill Orange
Bill Orange
12 years ago
Reply to  Clio

Probably not many, but again, there were some powerful people, including the current attorney general, who had an interest in this case, and many of Robert and Kathy’s friends were/are attorneys, so I’d guess that more than one person took the time to send in a letter.

12 years ago
Reply to  Clio

I can’t speak for the Florida bar application, but the states I do know of have an incredibly taxing process and – if memory serves – include questions about arrests in addition to convictions.

Bill 2
Bill 2
12 years ago
Reply to  Clio

In this era of easy-to-use search engines, there’s no doubt that people going over an application would Google the name of the applicant. If you Google “Joseph Ray Price” it gives 24 million hits with “Who Murdered Robert Wone?” in the #1 spot.

People don’t have to write a letter about “moral turpitude” when you’ve attained the fame of Joseph Ray Price.

12 years ago
Reply to  Bill 2

I wonder if now that the civil trial was settled S. Morgan has now gone back to greater personal intimacy with her old friends. And I wonder where she is working now….. And how about her friends she stayed with that night. What might they know or have heard? I couldn’t live with myself if I had any information related to bringing justice to this case, no matter how small, that I didn’t bring to the attention of law enforcement. I wonder how many people out there with a conscience have something nagging at their soul….

13 years ago

Perhaps, the docudrama could center on the women of the case, and the trouple and Mr. Wone would never appear on screen even if the story was all about them. Sarah’s impromptu visit, Kathy’s packing of the bag, Di’s tearful defense on the stand, the coroner’s lack of credentials, Officer Durham’s shock at underwear guy, Gail’s retorts to Michael in the parking lot, etc.

At any rate, this case has turned colder than Sarah Palin’s chances for the Republican nomination — Lanier needs to reclassify it as such, and then we should turn it over to the real experts.

12 years ago
Reply to  Clio

I agree, Clio – the MPD has wasted more time than they’re entitled to (and screwed up the investigation from the get-go). Time to bring in the big boys (and girls) to see if a case can be made. It pisses me off so much wondering what the trace blood evidence would have shown (i.e. if Ashley’s Reagent hadn’t been used – hell, I know the word “Luminol” simply from watching some bad TV). If there had been proof of blood all over the walls, there would have been NO chance for the “perfect stab wound” explaining the lack of defensive wounds (no instant death). It would’ve said volumes that someone CLEANED the room. It would’ve ended the BS that they dialed 911 “immediately” (Joe’s interrogation statements would’ve shot down any chance of saying they slept through the cleaning because he was adamant that he did NOT fall back asleep after hearing the door beep and the grunts, though could only pin down the time elapsing to be likely a few minutes).

Imagine the difference this would’ve had on Judge L’s cold comfort: at the very least Joe would be in jail for tampering (she COULD’VE found him guilty for that, she said, because he lied about moving the knife and did some amount of cleaning). But I suspect that would’ve been a game changer entirely – I know the apologists will say “but there wasn’t any proof that blood WAS on any walls – not RELIABLE proof.” Maybe the Eds or one of you can remember where it came from that there was trace evidence of blood on the floors and walls. I can’t remember. I don’t remember if it went outside of that bedroom, though.


12 years ago
Reply to  Bea

This kerfuffle over Milton Norris and his record indicates to me that the MPD does have a documented and sustained problem with discrepancies between fact and fiction. And, given this systemic culture of Doublespeak and spin, Lanier may be saying “active” and “very active,” when there is nothing going on at all. This looking-busy “show” is apparently put on, just to save bureaucratic face and fanny — while the band in Miami Shores continues to play on. Astonishing!

12 years ago
Reply to  Clio

The “very active” investigation will never end, counting on the shortened attention spans of contemporary citizens. In a successful wager, the perpetrator must have factored this scenario into any cover-up — who knew that incompetence was internally awarded from above in the MPD!

How can DC officials and/or residents be satisfied with their employees’ performance in the case? It continues to boggle the mind, as Culuket gets to spend another birthday with his comrades. Despicable!

Bill 2
Bill 2
12 years ago
Reply to  Clio

It appears that Chief Lanier’s idea of an active investigation is to have “Robert Wone” written on a Post-It note stuck on the side of her computer for the past six years. Appointed chief in 2006, she was in charge of the MPD when her people totally screwed up the investigation of the murder.

The only way the MPD will get back on this cold case is if orders come at her from above. How many more times will she give out the baloney that this cold case is an active investigation?

Bill 2
Bill 2
12 years ago
Reply to  Clio

On the other hand, let Charlie Sheen come back to DC and Chief Lanier’s people will be sure to provide another 80 mph escort from the airport to downtown DC. Also, should a snowball hit the car of one of her detectives, he’ll jump out of the vehicle with gun drawn and aimed at people engaged in a harmless snowday activity.

Chief Lanier really runs a unique organization. She would be perfect for taking over the police chief job down in Sanford, Florida.

12 years ago

An ironic passage from the 2004 USA Today valentine to the Zaborsky-Price family:

“Zaborsky knows it all seems quite complicated. ‘We are forging new territory here. There are no role models.’

But there is certainly controversy.”

The new territory, almost eight years later, probably has to be the space for all of the elephants in their proverbial rooms. Who could be a role model for that pervasive sense of denial — not even Gertrude Stein herself could have turned that blind of an eye to the Vichy regime!

12 years ago

As an aside, or an affront (!) of the many things that don’t make sense, I still don’t get Michael Price and Phelps Collins III robbing the 1509 Swann residence. At Robert Wone’s funeral, M. Price apparently went off on a tirade to a female officer about harassing his brother. So right after the murder, he suggests having his brother’s back (albeit in an inappropriate way) but then, if he thought his bro innocent, and the other guys too, why add to their alleged misery by robbing the place two months later?! I mean, is having a murder in the house, being interrogated by police, hiring lawyers, being under suspicion, having their personal residence torn up not enough to garner M. Price’s sympathy for his bro and not add to his woes? Why do that?
Could something have been hidden at the place and robbery was a way to deflect attention? Seems extreme. Or was there the assumption that police wouldn’t be called, and if so, why? If a desperate need of cash was the reason, was that the only way to get it? Seems extreme and really insensitive. Don’t know.

12 years ago
Reply to  susan

Two word answer: substance addiction (covers both scenarios). Perhaps you are not familiar with the irrational and ofttimes criminal minded antics of drug abusers; lucky you.

12 years ago
Reply to  AnnaZed

Hey AnnaZed, that was what I was alluding to re “desperate need of cash” but I didn’t realize a person would go to that extreme. I guess he thought his brother wouldn’t report him. And then that sighting of him and his brother hugging some years later on 14th street, having the same alt-kinks, sharing some of the same friends, the brother J representing the lover LH. Lots of intertwining dysfunctional-seeming webs.

Bill Orange
Bill Orange
12 years ago
Reply to  AnnaZed

Ditto. I think this was a typical junkie who needed quick cash.

The outburst at the funeral was so bizarre that I just assumed he was already off the wagon by then.

12 years ago
Reply to  Bill Orange

Thanks. Though until one week before R. Wone’s murder and therefore close to the time of R. Wone’s funeral, M. Price was a diligent student. Those weekly classes were at least two hours each, and he hadn’t missed a class. So if he fell, it was right around the time of R. Wone’s murder. Could sympathy for his brother and the brother’s stress cause him to fall, but then cause him to rob the person he was so stressed about. Just speculatin’. And did M. Price go back to living with L. Hinton once Hinton moved back to Silver Spring after bunking at 1509 Swann during his defense by J. Price against M. Price in the domestic abuse case (seriously, why isn’t this a TV miniseries?).

Bill 2
Bill 2
12 years ago
Reply to  susan

I had to laugh at your remark about a TV miniseries, Susan. If a writer submitted this story he would be told that it’s too far-fetched to be believable. It contains too many improbable elements – the Ninja intruder, the buffoons who questioned the residents of the house, the clown who sprayed the wrong liquid in the death room, and the police chief who thinks people will actually believe her claim that this cold case is an active investigation six years later.

12 years ago
Reply to  Bill 2

Did Uncle Michael ever graduate from Montgomery College? What grade did he get in that class from which he played hooky on August 2, 2006? Somehow, I don’t think that degree completion or avuncular duties may have been his top priorities that humid evening.

12 years ago
Reply to  AnnaZed


While reading that page I posted below, and thinking about what you wrote and what people will do who are tripping on certain drugs, it got me thinking about P. Collins, the trouple, associates of theirs and drugs and kink as a common link.

M. Price and P. Collins clearly got unhinged while under the influence, and it makes the case that prob. some people in 1509 Swann that night who were unhinged by drugs. The classic MTM theme song popped into my head (no idea why) with these lyrics: “Drugs are all around, no need to waste them…” Seems like drugs might’ve been all around.

12 years ago
Reply to  susan

I always thought the robbery was an attempt to show how easily 1509 could be broken into. Planned. Staged. I remember some talk of how Victor was quite nonchalent while the police were around. If it were me, I’d be scared as hell thinking “did the killer come back??”

12 years ago
Reply to  CDinDC

That’s an interesting take, CD. If I remember correctly (if not, do tell), Dylan was scared to return to the house after the robbery and enlisted his cross-street neighbor (what’s his name, the designer) to accompany him inside. If Victor were, in fact, nonchalant (given that he’s anything BUT a nonchalant person) when the police were poking around, it would change my tiny shred of mellow feeling toward him (relative to the others). I’d picture the reverse: Victor as a nervous wreck and Dylan zonked out with flat affect.

Bill 2
Bill 2
12 years ago
Reply to  Gloria

Although Dylan claimed he was afraid to return to the house after the robbery, I always figured it was just a ploy to get Scott Hixon into bed one more time. Something along the order of: “Can you come over, Scotty? I’m afraid.”

12 years ago
Reply to  Bill 2

Here’s a really good page from this site. One poster does mention hearing from a Swann neighbor that Z looked fairly content at the time the police were called for robbery. The posting is by D. Dweller but the page is worth reading/skimming in its entirety as a refresher for some and news for others


12 years ago
Reply to  Gloria

Dylan’s behavior could have been staged, as well. Who knows. If someone is devious enough to orchestrate a rape/murder, well someone could certainly be capable of feigning a little fear.

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