1384 Days: 3 Years, 9 Months, 15 Days
All that matters from now and through the verdict, is doing right by Robert.
We regret not knowing him while alive, but even in death he remains a role model and inspiration. There is no consolation for the Wone family in bringing Robert back, but it is a testament to his life that he is still bringing people together.
After the jump, coverage plans for the trial and a Hall of Fame nomination.
The trial is expected to last one month. Opening statements today, then it’s off to the races. Most weeks, Judge Lynn Leibovitz expects to hold session five days a week. This Wednesday, May 19, and June 8-11, may be dark days. The Memorial Day holiday may also see a shortened work week.
We’ll be in room 310 for the duration and expect to publish at least twice daily: morning highlights go up during any breaks then again around 1:00pm. The afternoon paper will land on porches around 6:30pm.
Datalounge, an anonymous gay gossip site, hosted the first sustained discussion on Robert’s murder. An especially sharp attorney-contributor from those early raw and raucous threads migrated over here, to our good fortune. Her support and good humor will always be appreciated; she’ll remain our BeaFF.
And our sincere thanks to Neely Tucker from the hometown paper. It will take the four of us to cover a trial half as well as him.
The trial made the WAMU news on Morning Edition today.
Rest in peace, Robert. Today is your day.
Awesome coverage. All the typos are little disconcerting though; it detracts from the professionalism of the appearance. Is that really what we have to accept as a trade-off for citizen journalism? Interpreting that Rhe=the… but maybe it was simply freudian to say that “lost billable hours will remain out (our) little secret.” But thx again, can’t wait to follow, this is really important.
“All the typos are little disconcerting though”
Do you mean “a” little disconcerting?
moi aussi!
One or two to rmeebmer, that is.
Typos or no, I have been reading this site faithfully, almost daily, for over a year now. When I started reading, I lived near DC. Now I live near London. The time difference means that I have to wait until later in the day to read the latest, but I’m still here and still holding out for justice for the Wone family. Thank you to the editors and to everyone for your contributions.
I makes me sad to think of what will become of our little family here once justice is served for Robert. Perhaps after a nice and well-deserved vacation, the eds will continue their outstanding work by providing the best coverage of the civil trial, or …. and I cross my fingers…an actual murder trial?
It does seem kind of strange to think that this could all be over (one way or another) in a month or so.
I’d love to know what Judge Leibovitz secretly thinks actually happened that night. Of course, like the rest of us, I’d really like to know what ACTUALLY happened that night. Unfortunately only a few certain people know, and I’m increasingly afraid they will never tell.
Well, let’s hope that this circus only lasts one more month and that it has no further surprises. The civil trial should be anticlimatic with the murder one never happening (unfortunately!) due to bungled police work at the beginning.
We could still host an academic and legal conference on this “vicious” blog and its effects on the case at the Aspen Institute’s Wye River Conference Center on the Eastern Shore of Maryland — say in November of 2010. Invitations would be given to Ben, Kim, etc. as well as our favorites to attend. Unfortunately, that event would need an institutional sponsor: Covington, maybe, Arent Fox, perhaps, or even Dyl’s alma mater of Georgetown University?
May today begin to bring some peace to Robert’s family, some answers to many long awaited questions, some justice for the unjustifiable.
All that has ever mattered is doing right by Robert.
I, too, have been reading here for quite a while. May today be the beginning of the long awaited justice for Robert Wone and his family. It has been way too long.
Thank you for this website, by the way.
God bless Robert Wone’s wife and family.
Justice will be served.
And thanks for covering this so well.
Will the Price (or is Zaworsky the attorney) be disbarred???
RIP Robert!!!! One of the biggest injustices in DC history will hopefully turn the corner……
thanks for the coverage and just know we are all here standing (virtually) with you through every step of this coming trial.
here’s to robert & the justice he deserves.
Morals matter Victor
The DataLounge threads — I was on them from the first news that Robert was murdered. For two years the threads kept going and not a single thing was happening. It seemed as if nobody else cared. I kept watching the online Washington Blade to see if there was any progress but things just seemed to stay undone, month after month. It was a relief when some charges were filed. The people on the DataLounge threads have never let up in the desire to see justice for Robert Wone.