
All in all a tough day for the defendants.

Judge Weisberg was not inclined to rule in favor of their various pleas and motions.

Weisberg may NOT hear the case at trial. Court calendars to shift. Chief Judge Satterfield to decide. Defense wants him to stay on board. Govt hasn’t yet offered their views.

Most contentious moments we’ve seen yet. Both Schertler and Grimm showed considerable displeasure and at times emotion pleading with judge.

Hoping to get video of principals departing courthouse.

Full hearing report to come later this afternoon.

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15 years ago

Love the ring of “considerable displeasure” in relation to defendants or defendants’ counsel.

Former Crackho
Former Crackho
15 years ago

Maybe the trouple won’t be as thick as thieves now that the pressure cooker seems to be heating up a bit. Wonder who will be the first to crack?

15 years ago
Reply to  Former Crackho

Victor doesn’t have a spine to crack.

15 years ago
Reply to  Former Crackho

Ha ha ~ take that evil henchmen of murder conspiracy (!)

~ (though I’m a little unclear as to why the Defense wants to stay with Weisberg if he is being unfavorable to them; is that a “the devil-you-know is better than the devil-you-haven’t-yet-met” kind of thing?) .

Additionally, I just don’t understand why they get to express their pleasure or displeasure either way.

Anyway, one of the odd things about this Karpman triangle of a trouple of defendants is the way that they all keep changing roles from über perpetrator to henchman to protector and back again depending on how one looks at what is known of the events surrounding Robert’s murder.

Is Dylan somehow a hapless victim of his proclivities needing Joe’s protection?

Then is Joe a victim of his own weaknesses needing Victor to save him?

Does Joe behind closed doors persecute and victimize Victor?

Does Dylan rush in and save Victor ~ take the heat off of him as it were?

Is Victor rescuing the other two by seeming to lay down his life for them?

Conversely, did Victor (he of the unexpressed rage and resentment) come back late when everyone was tucked up in bed and attack and murder Robert and the other boys (previously defined as “bad boys”) have to now rescue Mommy?

Is the perpetual acting out of any or all of these roles the stuff that keeps these men so seamlessly integrated? Up until now that is. I believe that of the three there is an alpha perpetrator who was possessed by homicidal ill will towards Robert and who pulled the others into his vortex, but for the government’s purposes (right now, with these charges) it really doesn’t matter.

As pointed out earlier today by others, the beauty of these charges is that none of that needs to be proved ~ only that they acted in concert to conceal whatever the truth actually is.

We have wondered why they have held the line together for all of this time. The simple answer might just be that they have been busy with their little time, energy and soul consuming drama. Maybe today is the beginning of a series of truly dramatic reality checks for these men (real drama not creepy-tedious psycho-sexual drama), one of many.

15 years ago
Reply to  AnnaZed

AZ said: “Does Dylan rush in and save Victor ~ take the heat off of him as it were?” – That is a very interesting, plausible thought. Something to remember about people in relationships: people stay in rel. as long as it benefits them – in whatever way that is – even when it seems implausible to us.

15 years ago
Reply to  Perplexed

Perplexed says: “people stay in rel. as long as it benefits them” Agree 100%

Joe: Victor provided the social arm-candy and supplemental income to support their lifestyle / Dylan provided a sexual outlet.

Dylan: Joe provided financial support gave dylan a reason d’etre. Victor was incidental.

Victor: Joe was one half of Victor’s investments. Victor was/is bond to Joe financially (and probably co-dependently). Dylan was incidental.

Joe had both Victor and Dylan by the balls.

15 years ago
Reply to  CDinDC

CD, that last expression assumes that both dependents had/have balls, if only in the literal and not in the figurative sense.

15 years ago
Reply to  CDinDC

I think the most significant bond that Joe and Victor share is that of being parents to two children.

15 years ago
Reply to  AnnaZed

I agree. One that cannot be overlooked.

15 years ago
Reply to  Perplexed

AZ and Plex, their parental bond should be their most cohesive one, but, given Joe’s self-absorption and Victor’s self-abnegation, I think that Kim & partner were/are doing nearly all of the parenting.

So, how important are the two little boys to the trouple’s continued unity — besides being, to Joe, trophies of LGBT assimiliation and his own contested manhood? I think that the financial ties between Price and Zaborsky are the most significant, even if the Four Horsemen are slowly sucking all of their “hard-earned” money away.

BTW, Victor should be leading the charge to keep chocolate milk in the public school cafeterias, and he’s not able to do so. Pity!

15 years ago

What kind of emotion did the defense team show? Anger? Sadness?

Jack Dempsey
Jack Dempsey
15 years ago
Reply to  CDinDC

Each had his own style, of course–Grimm was determined and pugnacious; Connolly was initially charming and then increasingly direct and even a bit confrontational. Grimm made periodic ironic remarks, as if they were asides, though they went into the transcript, I should think.

Jack Dempsey
Jack Dempsey
15 years ago
Reply to  CDinDC

It’s late at night, after a long day: I mean Schertler, not Connolly.