
Running on empty…

Times are tough. This recession has been compared frequently to the Great Depression. Law firms are laying attorneys off, GM and Chrysler finally collapsed, and the Washington Post is saving paper by doing online exclusives that disenfranchise paid subscribers.

Part 2 of the WaPo online exclusive did reveal that Joe and Victor had given up the tony apartment on 16th Street and joined Dylan in the suburbs. Victor’s aunt is truly gracious, taking in the down-on-their-luck trouple. With the investigative support of Bea and public real estate records, we see that the defendants have traded in the bright lights and noise of the city for the quiet calm of suburban McLean, specifically at 7900 Ariel Way.

7900 Ariel Way McLean VA Street View

7900 Ariel Way, McLean VA

Nestled on a wooded lot, 7900 Ariel Way is not quite the suburban McMansion that one would expect our A-list defendants to choose, but mortgages are difficult to obtain for the unemployed.

However, McLean Hamlet, as the subdivision is known, is a comfortable, close-in community with mature landscaping and family friendly, modest homes. The typical McLean Hamlet home has 4-5 bedrooms, 9-10 rooms, and is owned by well educated, white professionals. Joe, Victor and Dylan should not feel too out of place, other than the low percentage of “never married males 15 years or older” in the community.

7900 Ariel Way McLean VA details

7900 Ariel Way offers the DC transplants 3.5 baths, ensuring they will continue to be well groomed and freshly showered. The 476 sq. ft basement rec room is a nice sized play space for Dylan and Joe.

7900 Ariel Way McLean VA

7900 Ariel Way, McLean VA

The 380 sq. ft. wooden deck may enable natural tans and upon examining the aerial photographs, has good privacy with the mature trees.

Assessed in 2009 for $812,330 by Fairfax County, Victor’s generous aunt may even have some equity to tap to help out with some of his attorneys’ fees.

-posted by Michael

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15 years ago

“Assessed in 2009 for $812,330 by Fairfax County, Victor’s generous aunt may even have some equity to tap to help out with some of his attorneys’ fees.”

Or they could “doctor” her will and then she mysteriously disappears from a Walmart parking lot.

Auntie Ariel needs to put a lock on her bedroom door.

15 years ago
Reply to  CDinDC

Yes, Auntie Z. certainly should take care, especially in that sylvan setting.

I wonder why Victor and Joe did not move in with the mothers of their children: I guess that childrearing just is not their main priority just now, or that Auntie Z. just had more square footage for privacy (and for their dilettante sidekick, Mr. Ward).

15 years ago
Reply to  Clio

My guess is that the lesbian couple wants nothing to do with them. Even if they support them in some way, I’m imagining their first priority is not to make the situation worse for their sons (“Daddy and Papa and Uncle Dylan will be here everyday and play all day long until next year when they’ll be locked behind bars until you’re in college, or with luck, never get out”). I was hoping the lesbians have a better sense of what really happened and have been working on Victor to come clean.

15 years ago

Do they still own the fla house?

15 years ago
Reply to  CuriousInVa

I just tried to find the property listing and came up with nothing. Strangely. It was joint owned by Victor and Joe. I looked up both names. Nada. Considering I found it before and went to the same site. I wonder if they are doing something with the deed that is causing it to not come up.

Anyone else want to give it a try?

15 years ago
Reply to  CDinDC

I was able to locate the Miami Shores property registration. Here is the link:

– Michael, co-editor

15 years ago
Reply to  Michael

JTRS (Joint Tenants with Right of Survivorship)

Dylan has been left out once again.

She did it
She did it
15 years ago
Reply to  CDinDC

i think i see a pool in the back courtyard of the florida house – i guess dylan could be the pool boy for a spell. the girls are working so hard to make dylan an equal partner in the partnership, except on the finances, the sleeping arrangements, how dylan is identified, etc. . .

15 years ago
Reply to  She did it

Maybe with chores. House-cleaning, that is.

Bill Baskin
Bill Baskin
15 years ago
Reply to  Michael

How did they homested a Florida property that is not their primary residence …Fraud

15 years ago
Reply to  Bill Baskin

Wonder what two proofs of FL residency they used…..Dylan’s residency doesn’t count.

1.Driver’s License
2.Automobile Registration (not leased)
3.Voter Registration
4.1040 Income Tax Return filed in 5.Florida or W-2 Form addressed in Florida
6.Intangible Tax Return filed from Florida
7.Florida Unemployment Compensation Registration
8.Employment letter with Employer’s letterhead
9.Child School report card or School letter attesting child’s registration
10.Moving van receipt from another county or state
11.Doctor’s letter with Doctor’s letterhead
12Church letter with Church letterhead
13.SSA-1099 fiscal year Social Security Statement addressed in Florida

15 years ago
Reply to  CDinDC

I recall reading somewhere that Victor now has a Florida driver’s license. That may have been written in the Oct/Nov 2008 WaPo reports of the initial arrest warrants for Dylan.

15 years ago

Maybe that, coupled with a moving van receipt (possibly) for when Dylan moved to Florida….

15 years ago

SKS, I recall that too. It was in the filings where the DA was arguing they were a flight risk and needed bail money and/or monitoring.

15 years ago

Cool sleuthing. I agree with CDinDC that Victor’s aunt should be sleeping w/her door locked and extra vigilant about what she eats and drinks. And speaking of Dylan and his depression meds, here’s an LA Times article about a Nebraska inmate suing the maker of Zoloft for allegedly causing him to kill his girlfriend.

“He says the drug intensified his agitation, suicidal desires, hysterical behavior and hostility and diminished his self-control.”

15 years ago
Reply to  Nelly

I have a friend whose ex longtime-bf was on a combination of zoloft and xanax. For the most part, he was a pretty responsible upstanding guy. That was 10 years ago. He’s now in prison. He became increasingly more violent. Multiple assaults. Firearms charges. He shot himself in the leg by accident after threatening a roommate with the gun. Somehow it discharged. Fortunately, he shot himself and not the roommate. I almost laid my hands on him one afternoon because he swung a guitar case at my 80 year old mother. Now this comes from a guy that was a really good guy at one point in his life. Zoloft = bad news. Zoloft + Zanax = really bad news. (Disclaimer….zoloft and/or zanax can be helpful medications in certain situations and when monitored closely by a dr.)

15 years ago

That is a scary but entirely believable story. Prescribed psyche meds — no matter how socially accepted and medically “mild” — can have an unpredictable effect when combined with others. Even more dangerous when they are mixed with the street drugs that some seem to accept as a given.

My thoughts on this case swirl around motive. And I think the effects of drug use/abuse is the only thing that explains the murderers decisions in those first few moments. It’s the only way to make their irrational choices seem even vaguely plausible. Otherwise it’s sort of Jekyll and Hyde…..

Jack Dempsey
Jack Dempsey
15 years ago

Is it entirely clear, then, that Dylan Ward is once again living with Price and Zaborsky? (I’ve been offline a few days, traveling in rural areas…)

Do any of the three currently hold jobs?

She did it
She did it
15 years ago
Reply to  Jack Dempsey

the wash post reported that the gang is together again at dear aunt marcia’s $850k virginia spread. i am not sure about the work scene – i thought i read victor gave up the got milk gig. dylan’s work history is thin. joe may have term’ed from arent fox.

15 years ago

I guess they are getting rent from the FLA property (but does it cover the mortgage?) and if a separation/voluntary resignation took place for Joe, he most likely got a severance package and/or some form of reimbursement for his capital contribution at partnership.

There is no way that a law firm would just outright fire him b/c he was accused of a crime. Even the fact that he had porn on his laptop would still not be enough. If he were to be acquitted and later sued the lawfirm it would be a big ugly mess w/ allegations of discrimination. If they tried to use the computer porn as an excuse he could demand to see all records of all computer use at this firm and guaranteed there’d be plenty of other instances of misuse of company property.

In my view (and in my experience w/ employment cases), they sat down and discussed that it was bad publicity for the law firm and better to work out an amicable separation. Who knows? Maybe Victor got some money too from the milk folks?

Friend of Rob
Friend of Rob
15 years ago
Reply to  CuriousInVa

Um, the very fact that this creates horrible publicity for the firm would be more than sufficient to give him the heave-ho.

The firm doesn’t have to find him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt to decide they no longer want anything to do with him. Non-equity partners (which Joe probably was) have been shown the door for much, much less.

I don’t think they have to worry about Joe bringing a discrimination suit anytime soon, he has bigger problems. I’m sure they are a gay-friendly firm or Joe wouldn’t have stuck around or made partner.

I don’t understand how people get the idea that there is some high threshold for firing folks in this country.

15 years ago
Reply to  Friend of Rob

I agree Friend. Just the fact that he was storing his porn library on the office system give plenty of reason for “heave-ho”.

Anon. in Arlington
Anon. in Arlington
15 years ago
Reply to  CDinDC

Employment in DC is “at will” leaving many people to be fired for little to no reason outside the limits of discrimination.

15 years ago

Joe Price, as reported here, resigned. He was not involuntarily terminated. I am sure there were discussions for him to leave. My contacts at A.F. tell me they are not to discuss this matter. Period.

I have no information regarding the other 2.

15 years ago
Reply to  Ex-A.F.

Of course, any separation agreement contains confidentiality provisions regulating both sides. No one is allowed to discuss the specifics or even the existence of the agreement. But, guaranteed, he got some big bucks out of Arent Fox.

15 years ago
Reply to  CuriousInVa

While I agree there could have been big bucks in a seperation agreement for Joe Price, but was he in a strong negotiating position after it was discovered that a “large quantity of gay male pornography and sadomasochism photographs were found on his work computer” not to mention being indicted on obstruction of justice charges?

David, co-ed.

15 years ago
Reply to  David

Joe was only a partner for a short period of time. I can’t imagine he would be negotiating for huge bucks, if that’s the case.

15 years ago
Reply to  Ex-A.F.

This makes perfect sense. Joe would have gotten money under the terms of the partnership agreement – my guess is that Arent through in some extra to get him to sign away his rights to sue (in case he’s acquitted – shudder -) and to go quietly and right away.

15 years ago

A few months back, the Washington Post indicated that he was terminated.

Eds, can you confirm this? I remember a lengthy discussion about it.

15 years ago

That came from the BLT

15 years ago
Reply to  Nick

Yeah. BLT’s Scarcella used the term fired here:

“Price, a former Arent Fox litigation partner who was fired in January…”

15 years ago

When you asked to leave and you resign….that’s fired. LOL When you resign and your boss says “oh, no…please don’t go” that resigning.

15 years ago
Reply to  CDinDC

Yes, being asked to resign is the same as being fired EXCEPT that generally when the first situation occurs you are being allowed to save face by publicly saying you resigned (and perhaps getting severance) in exchange for signing a release that you won’t sue. It happens all the time. Confidentiality is supposed to be paramount but most times when professionals quit a job w/o another one to replace it, don’t most people assume they were asked to leave? I do but maybe that’s b/c I deal with it all the time in practice. Here though, I just assume it would go down that way b/c of law firm risk aversion.

15 years ago
Reply to  CuriousInVa

Curious says: “you are being allowed to save face by publicly saying you resigned”

Job lose/murder accusation.

Hmmm. Saving face over being fired is so trivial at this point.

15 years ago

I was talking in general terms. Allowing an employee to resign plus giving them severance is just the typical trade made for the release of liability, along with no admissions of wrongdoing. So yes, I agree that it is a trivial consideration in the grand scheme of things but of course Joe would want to try and negotiate that. ANY lawyer would or smart employee. On the off chance that he is acquitted (and he seems arrogant enough to believe that is a possibility), he would like to be able to say he walked away from his firm or offered to resign b/c although he was unjustly accused he did not want to risk causing any embarassment to the firm while he cleared his good name.

15 years ago
Reply to  CuriousInVa

I agree that he likely got money – capital contribution and whatever he was due under the partnership agreement (and extra to go quietly and sign away liability). Being a law partner is like owning a business – one can’t simply be ‘fired’ (or asked to resign) without there being a monetary pay-out for the partnership interest he gave up. Granted, on paper it looks easy – simply fire his ass – and deservedly so. But he’s an owner, not an employee.

15 years ago

I’m not sure whether to be appalled at your public obsession with the private life of people not yet convicted of a crime… or whether to hire you all to do a similar job on the people that have been doing that thing down south at that place down there in the middle of nowhere ever since the other thing that went down up north.

15 years ago
Reply to  J.

Unfortunately and involuntarily, these private details became the public’s business on and after August 2, 2006. The editors of this site and their collaborators are valiantly doing a service in making relevant private details public. So, J., do not be appalled at this exercise of electronic citizenship.

The other part of your comment hinted at hiring somebody for something, but the defendants (and not the site’s posters), I believe, are the most in need for full-time employment at this moment.

15 years ago
Reply to  Clio

I think the defendants already performed those job duties on themselves.

15 years ago
Reply to  CDinDC

By the way, Clio… that post.

15 years ago
Reply to  J.

J., like it or not, this is how the American system works. I have learned since my initial visits to this site, how *much* is available to the public, including attending the trials.

Sure, it may border on “public obsession”, I admit.

But, isn’t it my “right” to know such details, as much as — say — a mother who does online research about a child molester who moved into her neighborhood?

I think *some* of the chat here goes a bit far for my tastes. But I think it’s important to note that THIS IS THE SYSTEM, as it exists, and we’re all using it appropriately.

Plus, once involving themselves in this murder-mess, the three roommates gave up “privacy”.

Friend of Rob
Friend of Rob
15 years ago
Reply to  J.

Joe, you know you’re not supposed to be on the computer past 7:30.

15 years ago

Huh? What are you talking about, J.?

15 years ago

Maybe “J” stands for Joe…

15 years ago
Reply to  CuriousInVa

Speaking of Ariel Way….maybe the trouple should get in that backyard and do something about Auntie Em’s barren dustbowl…lest they be called freeloaders.

She did it
She did it
15 years ago
Reply to  CDinDC

lol! auntie marcia could use some landscape help. does dylan have a green thumb?

15 years ago
Reply to  She did it

Maybe the University of Phoenix has an online degree he can pursue. He’ll have a lot of time on his hands next summer.

She did it
She did it
15 years ago
Reply to  CDinDC

last thing she needs is another degree! i admire your optimism for convictions . . . while i believe i know who did it, i also believe i know that the justice system stinks sometime. still hoping victor will come to his senses.

Corcoran Cutlet
Corcoran Cutlet
15 years ago

Now that they are in McLean one can only assume that they will spend many happy hours at Three Pigs
Barbecue, a McLean tradition if there ever was one.
Three Pigs, indeed.

15 years ago


Tom & John
15 years ago

The Three Little Pigs went out to Halo one night. The waiter came and took their drink order.

“I would like a bottle of water,” said the first little piggy, who actually was no longer all that “little.”

“You got milk?” said the second little piggy.

“I want beer, lots and lots of beer,” said the third little piggy.

The drinks were brought out and right before the waiter’s eyes, the third little piggy immediately drank down all three bottles of Singha and exclaimed, “I want even more beer, lots and lots of beer!”

“Pardon me for asking,” said the waiter to the third little piggy.

“But Dylan, why are you ordering so much beer this evening?’

“Well, somebody has to go ‘Wee, wee, wee, all the way home!'”

She did it
She did it
15 years ago
Reply to  Tom & John

lol!!! “no water sports or scat at dear aunt marcia’s, joe and dylan” ordered the milk queen.

15 years ago
Reply to  She did it

There IS a pool, SDI. Maybe a little Marco Polo.

15 years ago
Reply to  Tom & John

LMFAO – ROFlOL!!!!!!!!!! Nuff said!

15 years ago

Yes, let us hope that Victor follows the path of his Uncle Oskar, the husband of Aunt Marcia and the owner of 7900 Ariel Way from the mid-1970s to 2005. Victor’s paternal uncle was Dr. Oskar R. Zaborsky, the University of Chicago-educated biochemist who was the principal investigator on many big grant projects. Perhaps, it was
Uncle Oskar’s connections and interests that got Victor interested in pushing agricultural products in the first place? At any rate, Dr. Zaborsky became noted in Hawaii during the 1990s — Joe Price must have had a penchant for attracting members of especially creative families from his dalliance with French physicist Martial H. during the late 1990s through meeting Victor in 2000 and, then, adding on the first-born son of Needham Ward, M.D. by 2004.

In a fin-de-siecle dispute with his then employer, the University of Hawaii, Dr. Zaborsky apparently won in court by telling the truth and by not turning a blind eye to elephants in the room. We can all hope that Victor does the same eventually.

Of course, then, Oskar was the husband of the Aunt Marcia of Ariel Way referenced in the above comments. Oskar died on September 26, 2006 in McLean, according to the Honolulu Advertiser. His death, probably from a terminal illness, coincided with the time that the trio first left Swann Street to live in McLean Hamlet after the Wone murder.

15 years ago
Reply to  Clio

Who is this Martial H. you reference? I’d appreciate any additional information. Is Martial H. willing to share his insights into Joe’s personality, etc.? And if you have any links to information about V’s uncle’s trial, I’d be interested to read more. Thank you!

15 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Even more, do you know Victor and Joe…..personally?

The information about Victor’s uncle could be gathered from the internet…..but that tidbit about Joe’s “dalliance with French physicist Martial H. during the late 1990s.”

Do tell, Clio.

15 years ago
Reply to  CDinDC

All I can say here is that my primary sources in reference to Mr. Price and his pre-Victor relationships are Virginia gentlemen who would prefer to remain anonymous. I was reluctant to give the physicist’s last name publically in part to honor those gentlemen’s wishes. (And, besides that, his surname is difficult to spell.)

Nevertheless, in a note marked confidential, I have shared a little bit more (regarding my own second-hand impressions of this particular “dalliance”) with the Editors off-line.

15 years ago
Reply to  Clio

Good to know, Clio.