Eye Want Candy

Everything Must Go

It’s been a busy week or two and we forgot to mark another important date on the calender, June 7.  Just over two years  ago, Joe Price registered the domain for eyecandydvds.com, a shop for adult novelties and videos.

Joe must have been pretty optimistic in June 2007, ten months after the murder; he paid for a three year registration for the website.

EyeCandyDVDs.com web site home pageThe un-designed website, think Netscape 1.0, still looks dormant.

Back in the spring when ‘Bea’ first tipped us on the site, we somehow overlooked a small feature on the eyecandy website.  Namely, the contact form has a familiar name.

Of course it does.

‘Michael’ can be reached here at info@eyecandydvds.com


A few days later on June 10, 2007, Joe registered his Adams-Morgan retail store with the DC Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs.  ‘Fascinating’ dug that up from the their database.   Go team.

The grand opening was to be just three months away, September 1.  More optimism.  I haven’t been up to Adams-Morgan lately (who has?), but am confident Joe’s retail location is just as vacant as the website.

Is there anything to salvage from this business venture?

We’re not sure if Price’s DCRA business license requires annual renewal as the registration form doesn’t say.

And in a year, eyecandy’s domain registrar will send emails to Joe letting him know it’s time to renew the registration.  Trouble is that Joe might be pretty busy next June; it will be the midway point of his trial.

The other trouble is register.com might not have his current email address.  Joe used this: pricej@arentfox.com.  More optimism still.

In any event the domain may end up in good hands.  A back order alert at Go Daddy.com for $20.00 gets dibs on it when it expires.

Mark June 8, 2010 on your calenders: eyecandy’s liquidation sale.  Going out of business.  For ever.


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15 years ago

I think June 7 is also Kathy and Robert Wone’s wedding anniversary.

NYer wants Justice
NYer wants Justice
15 years ago

This was a good little piece of info to follow up on. I wasn’t sure if the store had ever actually opened but it sounds like it didn’t.
One interesting note: I was under the impression from prior info that Joe Price would not trust his brother with any real responsibility, yet apparently Michael may have been set to run the web site if not the store….

She did it
15 years ago

joe’s brother michael does not appear to be setting the world on fire. this blog’s recent video of her was quite revealing.

15 years ago

I wonder if Victor knew about and/or allowed this particular gambit. Probably not!

It does show that, in the spring and summer of 2007, Joe must have felt that the smoke screen of the “burglary” had successfully deflected suspicion from him and his satellites. And, at least one of those satellites, Michael, may have needed a pay-off gig. Hush, hush sweet Michael!

Another thing mystifies me here. Why add candy to the list of items to be sold? Is candy normally sold at porno shops and sites, or is it a old/dated code word for drugs?

Well, I thought that, with all the time on the trouple’s hands at Aunt Marcia’s, this site and store would be up and running by now. It would be a family business in which no one would care about your past, no matter how fiendish. Unconditional love for a Price, indeed!

Anonymous New Yorker
Anonymous New Yorker
15 years ago

Did anyone else notice in the first screen shot the African American man with heavily photoshopped bright blue eyes? Classy.

former crackho
former crackho
15 years ago

Tweaked out of his mind.