Unliquidated Assets – Part 1

In Joe Price’s email plea for financial support for his, Victor Zaborsky’s, and Dylan Ward’s defense, he indicated that they have had to liquidate all assets to pay for their legal counsel. A quick search of DC real estate records indicates that Joe Price still owns property in DC. The DC Real Property Database reveals a condominium, owned by Joe Price at 1727 R St. NW #401 in DC that has not been sold. One can presume that this is a rental property. When the defendants were released from their electronic monitoring, the deeds to any properties were surrendered which would prevent the sale of the property at this time.

The R Street condo carries an assessment of $356,650.

So how could Joe Price legitimately claim that the defendants had liquidated all of their assets, when he holds title to a $350,000 condo, which was purchased in 1998 and certainly has built up some equity?

Address: 1727 R ST NW Unit: 401
SSL: 0154 2266
Record Details
Neighborhood: OLD CITY II Sub-Neighborhood: D
Use Code: 16 – Residential-Condo-Horizontal Class 3 Exception: No
Tax Type: TX – Taxable Tax Class: 001 – Residential
Homestead Status: ** Not receiving the Homestead Deduction
Owner and Sales Information
Mailing Address: 1509 SWANN ST NW; WASHINGTON DC20009-3941
Sale Price: Not Available
Sale Date: 09/14/1998
Instrument No.: 071961
Tax Year 2009 Preliminary Assessment Roll
Current Value Proposed New Value (2009)
$368,280 $356,650

1727 R Street NW Condo Building

1727 R Street NW Condo Building

– Posted by Michael

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16 years ago

In his email, Price reportedly stated:

“We have no choice but to sell and liquidate every asset in order to pay this staggering sum as our very freedom hangs in the balance. Our parents are doing the same,sacrificing retirement savings and taking on unprecedented debt to aid us.”

18 U.S.C. ยง 1343 defines fraud by wire, radio, or television as:

“Whoever, having devised or intending to devise any scheme or artifice to defraud, or for obtaining money or property by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises, transmits or causes to be transmitted by means of wire, radio, or television communication in interstate or foreign commerce, any writings, signs, signals, pictures, or sounds for the purpose of executing such scheme or artifice, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both. If the violation affects a financial institution, such person shall be fined not more than $1,000,000 or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.”

16 years ago
Reply to  definition

Oh, for Pete’s sake. Price asked friends for financial help. Even if he was outright lying, that’s grounds for questioning your friendship with him, not for bringing legal action for fraud. And to be clear, there was no “wire, radio, or television” involved.

16 years ago

Sorry to jump topics, but I read your comments in Queerty’s article about what criminal charges you think are likely to be brought.

Could they not be charged with being accessories to murder after the fact, given that they delayed calling for help? Esp. given the time frame and the evidence that Wone was alive after the stabbing. The fact – really – that they cleaned up between discovering the body and calling 911 shows that they purposely delayed the arrival of paramedics.

I know who did it
I know who did it
16 years ago

What about the florida property where Dylan Ward was living at the time of his arrest? My understanding is that property was owned by Joe and Victor at the time of his arrest. Did they sell it or do they still own the house? Is it for sale by chance?

16 years ago

The more I read here, the more I question the direction of the blog if not also the nature of the case. I don’t think that other case theories have been sufficiently dismissed to focus so exclusively and obsessively on Joe Price to the point of disecting his appeal for financial help. Congress is far worse and there is no need for an investigation of them. They’re always begging for money they have no right to control to solve problems they created and have no hope of solving.

I know who did it
I know who did it
16 years ago
Reply to  David

David, I have to agree. I think a more open-ended thread like “what’s your theory in light of the alleged facts to date” could possible yield much more robust discussion and perhaps shed some light on competing theories.

I would encourage the editors to pose such a question to their readers!!

16 years ago
Reply to  David

I agree. I have asked what other people’s theories are.

From all the evidence I have read it is clear that one or more of the 3 men killed Wone. They mistakenly thought that they had accidentally killed him and then each one took a part in the cover up [a la N.M.’s theory] so that none could turn against any of the others later.

The odds that it was an intruder and/or some conspiracy are a million to one.

I know who did it
I know who did it
16 years ago
Reply to  L.

I think the intruder theory is also contradicted by the apparently calm/disinterested behavior of the defendants when the EMTs arrived (at least according to their statements).

I would, of course, be interested in hearing from others about any intruder theories they may have in light of the police affidavits.

16 years ago
Reply to  David

I couldn’t agree more. Questioning Price’s request for help from friends and family is ridiculous and irrelevant. Unless you really mean to suggest that if someone lies about his financial situation, he could be lying about murder, in which case you should begin investigating at least 10% of the country (and perhaps expand suspicion to anyone who’s lied about his age, or about his experience when applying for a job, or…).

16 years ago

Hey guys – Your comments are noted and the idea about a thread to bat around the various theories is a good idea and one we’ve considered. Keep an eye out for “Open Mic Night” soon.

We have our own bushel of theories as well and just last week we explored the intruder theory. There’s also the thrill-kill theory, and another widely shared idea of a sex party gone bad. Some think the conspiracy theory has credence as well. There are certainly many more to be considered and discussed. And please continue to share your suggestions.

-Posted by Craig

16 years ago

It is dishonest to plea for a legal handout from friends, even those they hadn’t been in touch with until this crisis, when they haven’t liquidated their real estate holdings, both in Washington and in Florida. To my knowledge, both properties have tenants. Price & Company are not telling the truth. The Washington police botched this case: they should have charged this wanton trio with murder from the outset. I hope & pray that Mrs. Wone gets justice.

Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud
16 years ago

Why is Robert Spagnoletti, former DC Attorney General and current Bar President representing one of these sleeze bags? And please don’t say “innocent until proven guilty”