Who was Robert Wone?

Thank you for making the jump with us to a new page dedicated to one purpose — discovering the full truth about what happened to Robert Wone on the evening of Wednesday, August 2, 2006 at 1509 Swann Street in Northwest, Washington DC.

Just a little more than two months ago, the four editors here at WhoMurderedRobertWone.com — Michael Kremin, David Greer, Doug Johnson and Craig Brownstein could not in good conscience let a case about a miscarriage of justice fail because too many people were unaware of the surrounding facts. We started a blog to promote the facts as we knew them.  The fascination that this case draws became quickly evident in the traffic our site began to receive, so we knew we needed a site to that would be able to meet the demand.

What makes this case matter is the miscarriage of justice is not one sided. Both families involved believe a wrong is happening to them. For the Wone family they believe the entire truth is not being told, and therefore justice is being denied. For the family of Joe Price, Dylan Ward and Victor Zaborsky they assert that they are being falsely accused.  And now the people have been called to answer these questions.

For both families a decisive conclusion is in their interest. For the Wone’s, it will help provide one answer for their tragic loss. For the family of Joe Price, Victor Zaborsky and Dylan Ward, if found innocent, it removes the Damocles Sword now hanging above their heads. But, if found quilty, it remains. 

Unfortunately, this case is quickly heading to a muddled answer.  So for both families involved, our site is dedicated to bringing about as much concrete information, so a conclusive decision is reached.

Yet, while both of these families remain and survive Robert, we are ever mindful that it is Robert who is at the center of our efforts. We are asking anyone who knew Robert personally to provide further information so that a more complete composite of this man can be drawn. Did you go to high school with him at Xaverian High School in Brooklyn? Did you know Robert while he was attending school at the College of William and Mary? Did you know both Robert and Joe Price when they served in student government at William and Mary? Were you involved with Robert in Club 13, a group revived by Robert to do anonymously good acts? How about law school at Pennsylvania, or work at Covington & Burling and Radio Free Asia? Did you serve with Robert in the Asian Pacific American Bar Association chapter of DC? Let us know, if you wish, more about who Robert Wone was as a man. We will post your remembrances.

The editors
Michael Kremin, David Greer, Doug Johnson, Craig Brownstein

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16 years ago

I’m confused – why are these three not in prison? Or are they?

Doug J
Doug J
16 years ago
Reply to  Shane

Joe Price, Victor Zaborsky and Dylan Ward are not in prison. The three have been indicted on charges of conspiracy to obstruct justice and are awaiting trial. If you want to read the affidavit in support of Dylan Ward’s original indictment on obstruction of justice, or the superseding affidavit indicted all three, just click on the “legal documents” tab at the top.
Until relatively recently the three had been living together under close monitoring, wearing ankle bracelets and confined to their apartment during certain hours. They successfully petitioned the court to remove the bracelets, and there is some question as to whether the three continue to live together, or whether one has moved out.