Who's Doing What?

Defendants Fill Time

An occasional question among us is: “What are Price, Zaborsky, and Ward doing right now?” Of course, we would often ask this in the dark of the night, during the period the three defendants were still wearing those court-ordered electronic ankle bracelets that kept them under constant track, and when they were confined to their shared living space during the evenings. “What are they saying to each other, right now?” we’d ask in the night.

Which begs another question. What, exactly, do the three defendants do during the day? Seriously; now that they’re free from their ankle monitors, what are Joe Price, Victor Zaborsky and Dylan Ward doing with their time?

Let’s be clear. We’re not talking about staking out their residence and monitoring what Starbucks they go to (“extra foam on that?) But the question has merit in that these three men – who again strongly maintain their innocence – have been put in an awkward financial situation by this case.

Joe Price is most easily answered. Arent Fox, the firm were Joe Price made partner while only in his thirties, reports Mr. Price is on personal leave “…to address these personal matters,” effective October 31. The Arent Fox website has scrubbed Mr. Price’s bio, and simply lists his name search as “inactive attorney.” Fair enough. And also fair to consider that while Mr. Price isn’t billing any hours, his private contract with the firm as partner must still be winning him serious cash, even while “inactive.”

Victor Zaborsky is a bit more curious. As reported by the Washington Blade November 7, 2008, Mr. Price’s employer – the International Dairy Foods Association – said “…Zaborsky has not worked at the association since at least February.” IDFA spokesperson Peggy Armstrong added she did not know where Zaborsky was currently employed. Perhaps she should have opened her door. The IDFA is located at 1250 H Street NW, Suite 900. At present, Mr. Zaborsky has an active phone mail account with “MilkPEP”, a dairy p.r. group, located at – wait for it – 1250 H Street NW, Suite 950. Basically, allied groups. But while the IDFA says Zaborsky is long gone, his MilkPEP voice mail suggests otherwise:

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.782040&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26]

And what of Dylan Ward? Schooled in a number of pursuits – foreign service, culinary arts, children’s author and Thai massage – Mr. Ward has been the hardest of to track down. A survey of DC area message boards and service sites fails to turn up any contact for massage therapy. A quick survey of the ‘net tells us Mr. Ward indeed had enough money to make a $1000 dollar contribution to the campaign of Sen. Hillary Clinton (curiously listed at the 1509 Swann Street address,) but where was, and is, his money coming from?
Anyone out there a client?

-Posted by Doug

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16 years ago

Poor Joe and Dylan, what will they do without all their pricey toys? A news article or legal memo released a couple of months ago said that Ward was going to keep working for AB Data as a direct marketing consultant. http://www.abdata.com
Why don’t you call them and get Dylan Ward’s voicemail too?
[you guys are hardcore. how do you have time to do this? keep up the good work!]

16 years ago

“What are they saying to each other, right now?”

That’s yes SIR maggot!

16 years ago

Thanks for the blog guys!! I too have been both fascinated and saddened by the murder or Robert Wone. I have been surprised by the lack of press/developments, but am glad that you guys are on the case!!

16 years ago

I have one comment and two questions.

Comment: I would not say that I know Joe and Victor well, but I have known them for many years in various capacities (professional, neighbor, and bar acquaintances). They are kind, soft-spoken, and friendly. My over-riding concern is this key principle: innocent until proven guilty. Personally, I find it much more convincing that Wone was murdered by an intruder than that either of these two guys was complicit in any way.


(1) The arrest affidavit says that the toxicology reports are all negative. I cannot believe that there is a drug that could have been injected into the victim that would not show some traces in his blood. Where is that evidence? I see the blog entry from David claiming that ghb would not show up, but (a) he asserts that ghb would have been given orally (so why are there needle marks?), (b) I frankly do not believe it would not show up in the toxicology report (can someone point to scientific evidence of this?) ,and (c) how much would have been given to render the victim unconscious so quickly?

(2) The police affidavit says that the vicitm was sexually assaulted, although it also says that (a) there was no evidence of any bruising or penetration on the victim, and (b) the only DNA traces on the victim’s sexual parts was his own – there was no DNA trace from any of the 3 guys who are now under suspicion. I don’t see how the claim of sexual assault holds. And if the police are able to make that mistake in logic, how many others are there?

16 years ago

2a is not true. Read those affidavits again. Gosh, use your imagination to think of other ways that someone could be sexually assaulted where the perp. doesn’t leave his DNA.

16 years ago

To the anonymous poster with a comment and two questions. First — thank you for the comment. Your key principle is correct, and shows that you understand that a balanced is necessary when searching for the truth about what happened on August 2, 2006.

Second, you bring up two important points that make drawing conclusions not as simple as it seems. My fellow bloggers and I will respond more fully to your questions in a complete blog post as soon as we are able.

16 years ago

I just re-read the list of drugs that were tested for, and ghb was one of the tests that came back negative.

16 years ago

Regarding an alleged donation from Ward to Clinton: I don’t make political donations and don’t know much about it, but I would imagine that it would be pretty easy to fake a political contribution. It’s not like they check the donor form against an ID, do they?

16 years ago

A court paper asserts that Dylan Ward’s education proceeded from the Georgetown Foreign Service School to Childrens’ Literature to Cooking School. And subsequent to the Wone murder, in 2007, six weeks at massage therapy school in Thailand where he made no friends and lived with no one while there. Apparently, he could have been living in a box on Fifth Avenue or attending a “day spa” for all we know.

Everyone is focused on Wone. What if Wone wasn’t the target? I mean, what could be worse than sticking someone with a dead body to explain? I have a few other thoughts, but I’ll send them to the blog owner to review.

16 years ago

What do you mean, “what if Wone wasn’t the target?” Duh… he WAS the target. 3 neat knife wounds to the chest area. No defensive wounds. It wasn’t a case where some crazy guy broke into the house trying to kill one of the other guys and accidentally stabbed Wone in the midst of a fray.

16 years ago

(The big) ‘IF’ I was clearly yet erroneously implicated in a murder, I might ask myself who would want to put me in that situation?

16 years ago

Thank you all for the discussion, and for keeping it focused on the questions at hand. We are open to considering all perspectives and questions, and many here are helpful.
This author will be posting soon on two separate questions:
1: on what the forensic community says can and can’t be detected in a standard assay, and
2: a longer post on how the “intruder” theory matches with the known posts in the time line.
Please do keep the discussion going; it’s of great help for us all.