Tag: blood spatter

Blood Simple

Defense Rips The Bark Off Kirschner’s Experts What evidence don’t these guys want spiked?  Wow. Just into the DC Superior Court Clerk’s office (don’t all the posts these days seem to start that  way?) is the latest defense motion:  Defendants’ Joint Motion In…

There Will Be Blood

…Except At Swann Street. Evidence is everything at trial.  Cases rise and fall on available evidence, regardless of true justice.  Most often, it’s the presence of evidence (DNA, ballistics, a bloody glove, etc.) that determines the prosecution’s path and the…

Spatter Chatter

Blood Does Not Lie   The idea of blood and its “spatter” traces seems ugly.   Let’s be clear: it is.  Uglier still is an unsolved murder.  We pursue this in the spirit of a better understanding of what happened August…