Plante Stand

Leibovitz Said No.  Will Rankin Say Yes? A couple new Plaintiff filings hit the clerk’s office late on Friday afternoon. The first one we’ll look at seems straight-forward enough, a Supplement to Rule 16(b)(2) List of fact Witnesses. Had we…

Quash Out

Defense Responds to MPD Oppo to turn over Records On behalf of the three Swann Street defendants, Price co-counsel Brett Buckwalter and Craig Roswell have finally replied to the DC Attorney General’s opposition to turn over DC MPD records, notes…

Spag: Backseat Driver?

Detective Waid’s Deposition The consent motion for former DC Detective Bryan Waid to be deposed in Florida for the Wone civil case, was ordered by Judge Michael Ranking this week. Waid led the early  investigation and was on the scene…

Someone Old, Someone New

Plaintiffs Release their List of Expert Witnesses Both sides are still meeting their Court imposed deadlines as the long march to the October 17 trial date continues. Hitting the DC Superior Court Clerk’s office last week was the Plaintiff’s Rule 26(B)(4) Statement. These are the…

A Quash Down

DC Attorney General answers defendants call for MPD records…and calls them cheap Early in the new year, Joe Price et al served the MPD with a subpoena requesting all the documents in their possession relating to their investigation into the murder of Robert…