Category: sexual relationship

Track 29

The State of the Union at Union Station Sightings around town of the principals in the Wone case have been sporadic over the last year or so.  Some have been first person encounters, while others have come from very reliable…

Hallmark Moments

Details of a Family’s Connections We’ve previously seen suggestions in email traffic of a family beginning to fray – specifically Joe’s concerns that Dylan may be pulling away – and the possible remedies.  Prosecutor Glenn Kirschner argued these notes suggested…

From Swann Street To South Street

What the Wone and Smithson Murders Do and Don’t Share Many people who hear about Robert Wone’s murder have pegged it a sex-party-gone-bad and a snap cover up, especially if you know a little about the defendants or certain behaviors in certain…

Washington Whispers*

Who Knew What… To follow up on recent comments to the nature of Joe and Dylan’s relationship, and as important, who knew what about the exact nature of it, we look again at language from the original affidavit and from an earlier post here.…