Category: forensics

Fiber Optics

Government Conducting Additional Tests; Defense Seeks to Limit Results In the most recent filing in the Robert Wone case, we learn that, as recently as March 24, 2010, the government has been conducting experiments to bolster their evidence of tampering and…

Blood Simple

Defense Rips The Bark Off Kirschner’s Experts What evidence don’t these guys want spiked?  Wow. Just into the DC Superior Court Clerk’s office (don’t all the posts these days seem to start that  way?) is the latest defense motion:  Defendants’ Joint Motion In…

Swann Street Confidential

Returning To The Scene Of The Crime. Nearly four years after Robert’s murder and the 1500 block of Swann Street is abuzz once again.  But not how you think. Long gone are those sultry summer days when Swann was thick…

Swann Street Confidential

Returning To The Scene Of The Crime. Nearly four years after Robert’s murder and the 1500 block of Swann Street is abuzz once again.  But not how you think. Long gone are those sultry summer days when Swann was thick…

CASE NUMBER: 06-1837

The Toxicology Report For the past three years, case watchers have held many unanswered questions regarding several aspects of drugs, testing and blood samples.  Both prosecution and defense teams have shared some of those questions. In the original affidavit, the…

Blood From A Stone

What Robert Wone Still May Be Able To Tell Us If forensics teaches anything it’s that human bodies have stories to tell, sometimes long after life has left.  We just have to know what questions to ask and be listening.…