Category: autopsy report

The Autopsy

Dr. Goslinoski’s Report – And an Opposing View It all really started here nearly four years ago, with a murder. Then an autopsy was performed to help solve that murder. And here we are now, 72 hours from the start of…

Mystery Science Theater

Ethereal vs. Visceral In the not to distant future, eight weeks from yesterday to be exact (assuming no continuance), Judge Lynn Leibovitz gavels in United States vs. Joseph Price, Dylan Ward, Victor Zaborsky In yesterday’s post on the Government’s Opposition to…

Friday's (Com)motions

Hard Copies As promised, the three motions filed ahead of Friday’s 2:05pm status hearing.  Two seem rather routine.  The third, not so. The Government’s Response to Defendants’ Joint Motion to Exclude Uncharged Criminal Misconduct at page one argues that since…

CASE NUMBER: 06-1837

The Toxicology Report For the past three years, case watchers have held many unanswered questions regarding several aspects of drugs, testing and blood samples.  Both prosecution and defense teams have shared some of those questions. In the original affidavit, the…

There Will Be Blood

…Except At Swann Street. Evidence is everything at trial.  Cases rise and fall on available evidence, regardless of true justice.  Most often, it’s the presence of evidence (DNA, ballistics, a bloody glove, etc.) that determines the prosecution’s path and the…

Spatter Chatter

Blood Does Not Lie   The idea of blood and its “spatter” traces seems ugly.   Let’s be clear: it is.  Uglier still is an unsolved murder.  We pursue this in the spirit of a better understanding of what happened August…

Our Worst Fears

I Read The News Today, Oh God…  It’s accepted practice in Washington to release bad news late on a Friday afternoon.  But it wasn’t mere bad news that was going to hit on Halloween weekend 2008; this was a real-life horror story.…

Blood Sport

Durham’s statement sheds new light on blood found in Robert’s duodenum Diane Durham’s statement that the defendants found Robert on the first floor, and Gary Reals’ reporting that the body may have been moved twice, together make a compelling reason…

Standard Operating Procedure

Questions for Chief Lanier About The Investigation As weeks pass here at WMRW, we seem to amass more questions than answers.  About the circumstances of Robert’s murder, its prosecution, and the principle and secondary players involved.  Frustrating as it is, this…

Talking Points Memo

More Questions About The Investigation It’s hard to pinpoint exactly where the sloppy work began in this investigation. The smart money says it occurred when DC Police failed to hit the red record button on the VCR for the first…