Now Hiring

Inquire Within

We’re still trying to determine how long the trial is supposed to last.  It’s hard to be exact when predicting the length of a complex trial but in the coming days we’ll reach out to some principals to see what they are budgeting and expecting.  The best guess now is four to six weeks.

Spurning Victor Zaborsky defense counsel Thomas Connolly’s request for a one-week continuance, Judge Lynn Leibovitz appears hellbent to gavel this trial in on May 10.  That puts the date of the trial’s outcome somewhere towards late June. 

As we try to determine our staffing needs for the trial, we kicked around the idea of bringing on some extra arms and legs.   We laughed about needing an intern.  Now that thought doesn’t seem so crazy.  We’ve pretty much got the trial covered, but expect we’ll be needing the occasional assist.

To that end, we are now hiring.  Just posted on Craig’s List:









 -listed by Craig

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14 years ago

The spring semester is drawing to a close for most co-eds and, thus, there should be a graduate student or two who may need a practicum in mass communications, journalism, and/or criminal justice.

Editors, have you contacted those departments at local universities? History and English majors would be even better, given everyone’s need for proofreading.

You may also want to contact the various health science instructors at Montgomery College to have them to reminisce about a recent student: Michael Price.

14 years ago

Is that “Craig’s List” or “Craig’s” list?
What’s the pay?

14 years ago

Clio: Good point. We are reaching out to universities looking for talent and have also tweaked the language to include any major. As for proofreaders, we have them; they just happen to suck.

Robert: The pay? It all depends on how much the applicants are willing to offer us. 🙂

14 years ago

The spring semester is drawing to a close for most co-eds and, thus, there should be a graduate student or two who may need a practicum in mass communications, journalism, and/or criminal justice.

Editors, have you contacted those departments at local universities? History and English majors would be even better, given everyone’s need for proofreading.

You may also want to contact the various health science instructors at Montgomery College to have them to reminisce about a recent student: Michael Price.

14 years ago

I have been waiting all my life for somebody to pay me for being a call boy and I am still waiting:)

In any event, I would not be willing to place a fake call about a murder to EMS for any amount of $.

I guess that’s what I get for not having “a love of my life” who would ask me to lie (or is that “lay”) for him.

14 years ago

Is that “Craig’s List” or “Craig’s” list?
What’s the pay?

14 years ago

Clio: Good point. We are reaching out to universities looking for talent and have also tweaked the language to include any major. As for proofreaders, we have them; they just happen to suck.

Robert: The pay? It all depends on how much the applicants are willing to offer us. 🙂

13 years ago

Does Miss Morgan need a second job? If so, perhaps, a bit of patronage such as this may help to loosen her lips.

Dyl could serve as intern: it would his fourth or fifth career switch since Georgetown. Discretion, though, was never his bag: see his recent ads.

And, of course, Michael always needs a job to feed himself and his habits. Yet, he may not have the verbal or writing skills needed, even if he got into Montgomery College.

13 years ago

I ‘m sending my good wishes at finding a reliable intern from Craigslist. I was involved in the production of a film a few years back. We used Craigslist to get a couple of production assistants/interns. There was a little issue with them actually showing up for work. Seems people don’t have work ethic when pay = experience (which is not uncommon in film).

14 years ago

I have been waiting all my life for somebody to pay me for being a call boy and I am still waiting:)

In any event, I would not be willing to place a fake call about a murder to EMS for any amount of $.

I guess that’s what I get for not having “a love of my life” who would ask me to lie (or is that “lay”) for him.

13 years ago

Have you had any inquiries or applicants yet? If so, Editors, when will your Search Committee meet to consider the eligible candidates?

13 years ago

Does Miss Morgan need a second job? If so, perhaps, a bit of patronage such as this may help to loosen her lips.

Dyl could serve as intern: it would his fourth or fifth career switch since Georgetown. Discretion, though, was never his bag: see his recent ads.

And, of course, Michael always needs a job to feed himself and his habits. Yet, he may not have the verbal or writing skills needed, even if he got into Montgomery College.

13 years ago

I ‘m sending my good wishes at finding a reliable intern from Craigslist. I was involved in the production of a film a few years back. We used Craigslist to get a couple of production assistants/interns. There was a little issue with them actually showing up for work. Seems people don’t have work ethic when pay = experience (which is not uncommon in film).

13 years ago

Have you had any inquiries or applicants yet? If so, Editors, when will your Search Committee meet to consider the eligible candidates?

13 years ago

CRAIG What time is the trial due to start and what time should one get there in order to secure a seat?

13 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Hearing Monday begins at 9:30am.

13 years ago
Reply to  Robert


I hope hear your “blow-by-blow” in addition to the eds! The more eyes and ears at the courthouse, the more info we that are attached to our desks will learn!